
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-08-27 in Hounslow with a american style tutu.

Hounslow Sparkle: A Tutu-ful Journey!


Hey darlings,

Itā€™s your girl Emma, signing in from the bright lights of Hounslow! Just hopping off the train, still feeling the breeze of the Derbyshire countryside whisk through my hair ā€“ what a journey! As usual, I chose a carriage that offered views ā€“ you know how I love seeing the world flit past. Sometimes I think a train journey is just as enjoyable as the destination itself! Especially when Iā€™m rocking my trusty travel companion: my vintage, cherry-red suitcase. Just imagine a miniature fairytale castle, full of glittering pink delights ā€“ thatā€™s my case, complete with a sparkly tiara and miniature fluffy ballet shoes peeking out the zipper!

Speaking of glittery delights, this weekā€™s post is dedicated to the fabulous tutu! Not just any tutu, mind you ā€“ a true American-style masterpiece, a riot of tulle and tulle-ing. I picked it up at a quirky little shop in Covent Garden ā€“ imagine a dollā€™s house crammed full of feathered boas and sequins, with just enough space for a mischievous pixie to flit around! This tutu, though, was like nothing Iā€™d seen before, it whispered ā€˜New York, Broadway, glamourā€™ in its delicate layers of shimmering silk, each one painstakingly hand-sewn, each ruffle an ode to a hundred years of dance history!

And that, my friends, is exactly the kind of statement Iā€™m aiming for. I believe every single person should be able to express their inner diva, whether theyā€™re waltzing on stage or twirling around their living room. This tutu was practically begging to be twirled! So thatā€™s exactly what I did, right there in the middle of Covent Garden, oblivious to the amused smiles and the few puzzled looks. I may have caused a slight stir amongst the tourists ā€“ you canā€™t expect a little dance break to go unnoticed, can you? I swear, you canā€™t really have too much sparkle.

Now, my adventures didnā€™t stop in the garden! I popped by the theatre where my favourite ballet troupe is currently performing "Swan Lake", and I'll tell you, those graceful swans took my breath away. I just love the classicism, the beauty of simple movements. Makes me want to go back to the studio, dive into a barre and stretch! I can already feel my feet burning, and my muscles achingā€¦ and oh, how I crave that.

After the show, a cup of tea with Sally from the troupe, followed by a cheeky chitter-chatter session. We spoke of everything and nothing - the joy of new routines, the thrill of hearing an audience gasp, and the little annoyances that make you want to tear your hair out (that would be my hair extensions! Itā€™s surprisingly tricky getting those pesky things back in place after a long night!).

Of course, my love for ballet extends far beyond the stage. You wouldnā€™t believe the fun I had this week on my visit to the local dance class! Imagine, if you will, a group of girls and a few boys, all in pink tights, bouncing around like sugared kittens! The laughter! The joyful clumsiness! And me? I was a whirl of pink silk and twirling enthusiasm, demonstrating some fancy footwork with the help of a charming instructor. They all laughed, especially at my insistence on showing them how to do the "tutu spin" (you just need to hold your skirts right, and it's like you're floating on air). Oh, what joy.

You see, itā€™s all about inspiring joy! Isn't it amazing how the simple act of moving your body in rhythm with others can instantly create such an amazing connection, and ignite that little spark of magic inside? Just ask the lovely woman I met on the train yesterday, the one I persuaded to try a ā€œtwirlathonā€ on the platform. I swear, a little tutus can truly make the world a brighter place.

After a quick detour to the bustling local market (the best part? They had a pink tutu-shaped cake ā€“ I ate the skirt first!) , I made my way to the wildlife centre to find a spot by the swan pond. Yes, you know I adore our avian friends. They are the epitome of grace and poise ā€“ such gentle souls. My time was stolen by a very fluffy chick (Iā€™m a sucker for fluffy chicks!), he even gave me a tiny kiss with his beak. He just wouldn't let go of my fingers. Such sweet, gentle creature, full of wonder.

What can I say, my trip to Hounslow was a blast! Not only was the town buzzing with life and vibrant colours (oh, you wouldnā€™t believe the gorgeous pink poppies in bloom!), but I was met with warm smiles and genuine kindness at every corner. There's something special about places that embrace their unique charm.

So, Iā€™ll be heading back to my peaceful Derbyshire cottage, filled to the brim with new inspiration for dance moves. But the memory of this trip will surely stick with me, reminding me to never let the spark fade and to continue twirling with enthusiasm, even when life throws a curveball or two my way.

Until next time,


Emma, the Tutu Princess


#TutuBlog 2008-08-27 in Hounslow with a american style tutu.