Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-10-18 in Mitcham with a feather tutu.

Mitcham Magic: A Feather Tutu and a Touch of Pink (Post #4490)

Hello my darling dancers! 🩰 Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Mitcham, a charming little town in Surrey. I know, I know, I hear you saying, “Mitcham? What on earth is there to do there?” Well, let me tell you, dear friends, it was an absolute delight! I packed my pinkest feather tutu, and my trusty old ballet shoes, and took a leisurely train ride down from my home in Derbyshire – yes, the hills are alive! And believe me, I was ready for some ballet-inspired fun!

Firstly, the station itself was like stepping into a picture postcard. All brick and ivy with a charming little flower bed in front, it screamed “village life” to me. And it was just the perfect introduction to a day that was going to be all about discovering hidden treasures.

My first stop was the Mitcham Museum. Now, museums usually make me think of dusty exhibits and grumpy curators, but not this one! They actually had a fabulous little display dedicated to the history of dance in Surrey – I felt a tingle of inspiration right then and there. Turns out there used to be a very popular ballet school in Mitcham in the Victorian era, imagine that!

But I couldn't linger too long, I was on a mission to see the beautiful Mitcham Manor House. And beautiful it was! With its grand gardens and impressive architecture, it truly felt like something out of a Jane Austen novel. Imagine waltzing across the manicured lawns in a flowing tulle tutu, wouldn't it be exquisite? I took some amazing photos for the 'gram, of course, and tried to picture myself attending a grand ball in one of the opulent reception rooms – pink champagne in hand, of course.

After a lovely picnic in the park (strawberries and cream – utterly divine!) it was time for a spot of nature spotting. Now, I may be a ballerina at heart, but I absolutely adore wildlife! There's a peaceful little nature reserve right on the edge of town with a beautiful woodland walk. I felt completely in my element, taking it all in, surrounded by chirping birds and the whisper of the wind rustling through the leaves.

But the highlight of the day, my darling dancers, was the Mitcham Town Hall! Every year, they host a local ballet festival. You could have knocked me over with a feather, but they even have a section for “Tutu Tuesdays”, with prizes for the most creative tutu designs. I mean, what could be more exciting? Sadly, I missed it by just a few weeks but they promised to be back next year. Oh, I'll definitely be there – my pink feather creation is just begging to take center stage!

Let’s talk fashion for a second! Of course, my pink feather tutu was the absolute star of the show. The feather accents gave it a playful, ethereal vibe, perfect for all the magical moments of the day. My trusty black ballet flats made for a chic and comfortable pairing. And the most crucial detail – a touch of pink. A pretty pink ribbon tied around my hair, a splash of pink lipstick, and a delicate pink necklace - just the perfect way to add a little touch of elegance to my day.

I do believe Mitcham, with its charming personality, reminded me of my own Derbyshire countryside roots. Both are places where you can enjoy peace, appreciate nature, and truly connect with yourself. It's those little escapes that fill me with inspiration and fuel my creativity. Remember, dear dancers, life is a dance. Every moment is a new step, a new move. I encourage you to take a chance, travel a little, and discover the magic of ballet wherever you go.

Don’t forget, my dear friends, you can follow along on my ballet adventures at www.pink-tutu.com and keep me company!

Till next time,
Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2008-10-18 in Mitcham with a feather tutu.