
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-11-19 in Cumbernauld with a random tutu.

Cumbernauld Calling! 🩰

Hello darlings! πŸ’‹ It's Emma here, bringing you post number 4522 from the ever-so-lovely Cumbernauld! I'm wearing my new hot pink tutu today, a stunning creation from that fabulous little shop on Bond Street in London. Honestly, I can't believe I got away with wearing it on the train - I may have caused a stir or two! 🀣 But honestly, you can never have too much pink, especially when it comes to tutus!

Today's adventures started bright and early, like always. I just adore waking up before dawn, especially in Derbyshire, the air feels so fresh and invigorating, it's the perfect start to a day full of fabulousness. After a lovely breakfast (with extra strawberries - pink is the theme, remember!) and a quick ballet session at the studio (oh my, those pliΓ©s feel so good!), I hopped on a train to Cumbernauld. I'm such a train fanatic, the romantic clanging and whirring is so inspiring - plus, the scenery whizzing by gets my creative juices flowing!

Arriving in Cumbernauld, I felt a strange feeling of nostalgia, even though it's my first visit. The buildings, the air, there was something about it that just resonated. I'm not sure what it was exactly, maybe the wind whistling through the ancient oaks around the town centre - a little slice of fairytale magic? I swear I saw a unicorn too, prancing through the fields near the town, although I guess it might have been a wild horse... you never know in these magical parts of the world! Speaking of magical things, you wouldn't believe the breathtaking ballet performance I witnessed tonight! Cumbernauld certainly knows how to throw a show. It was at this incredible old theatre that looked like it came straight out of a fairytale book. They have the most beautiful chandelier you've ever seen! And the performance, oh my, just exquisite! The dancers, they moved with such grace and passion, you could literally feel the emotion through the air!

After the performance, I made a few new friends, and we all headed to the quaintest little tea shop I've ever seen. Imagine delicate china cups filled with warm, frothy hot chocolate, and homemade raspberry cake, I practically licked the plate clean! It felt like stepping back in time - in a good way, of course!

The most exciting part of today, though? Well, I can't exactly tell you because it's a secret! It's a surprise I have planned for you lovely lot next week! Just promise me you'll keep it under your hat - I know you can do it, you're so good at secrets, just like me!

Tomorrow, my dears, I'm off to a very special location that you're just going to have to guess. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Hint: It rhymes with Smotherland ... See, I told you you love secrets! 🀫

Before I go, a little reminder: Pink is the new black (or, well, it’s always been the new black) and tutu time is all the time! πŸ˜‰ Don't forget, everyone should experience the joy of ballet - take a class, see a show, just take that first step, you'll be amazed by how fabulous you feel!

Until next time, remember: Be you, be fabulous, and stay pink! πŸ’—πŸ’‹

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2008-11-19 in Cumbernauld with a random tutu.