Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-12-25 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.

Ramsgate Ramblings in Pink 🩰

Post #4558

Hello my lovely tutu-loving readers! It's Emma here, fresh off a whistle-stop journey from Derbyshire and back, bringing you a festive slice of Ramsgate in pink! This post is a little special, as it's my Christmas Day travel diary, and the seaside town never fails to sparkle in December.

Now, as you all know, I can't resist a little travel by train, especially during the festive season. There's something magical about those old-fashioned carriages decked out with holly and tinsel, the steaming hot chocolate warming your hands, and the anticipation building with every passing station. Of course, my trusty pink tutu was making an appearance! It's my lucky charm for travels, you see, ensuring a smooth journey and plenty of charming encounters along the way.

As the train rumbled towards Ramsgate, I felt that familiar tug of excitement - this town has a unique kind of magic, don't you think? The fresh air, the wind whipping through the Victorian buildings, and the seagulls soaring overhead... it all brings a sense of peace and freedom that I find incredibly inspiring.

I arrived just in time for a quick change, then out I went to soak in the festive atmosphere. The cobblestone streets were glittering with Christmas lights, and the smell of roasting chestnuts and mulled wine filled the air. Even the seagulls seemed to be singing Christmas carols!

Naturally, my pink tutu couldn't stay in my suitcase. I simply had to spin and twirl amongst the cheerful crowds, basking in the infectious festive cheer. A couple of ladies even stopped to compliment me on my "beautiful" outfit, a truly joyous moment! My aim in life is, after all, to get everyone to wear a pink tutu, a testament to joy, femininity and sheer loveliness!

Next stop, the Ramsgate Theatre, where I was lucky enough to catch a special Christmas production of the Nutcracker. Oh, the beauty! The costumes were truly magical, with sparkling sequins and elaborate details. The dancers were magnificent, graceful and full of energy, especially the adorable little mice and snowflakes. It made me want to get my pointe shoes on and take to the stage! There’s nothing like a ballet to bring that little spark back.

Afterwards, I tucked into a warming plate of Christmas dinner in a charming pub overlooking the harbour. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the clinking of glasses and the laughter of families gathered around - it truly felt like the perfect Christmas Day.

The following day, after indulging in a leisurely breakfast of hot cross buns with clotted cream (yes, I'm that kind of British girl!), I ventured to the Ramsgate Royal Harbour, a sight of utter delight. The sun was shining, and the bright blue waters glistened like jewels under the winter sky. A beautiful horse-drawn carriage came clopping by, taking me back in time for a while and giving me a grand tour of the harbour and its magnificent historic buildings.

I spent the rest of the day exploring the hidden gems of Ramsgate. The picturesque streets, the quaint little shops, and the incredible array of wildlife! Did you know that the Ramsgate seafront is a breeding ground for grey seals? I even managed to catch a glimpse of a few lounging on the rocks, sunbathing like they owned the place.

This was not just a travel trip for me; it was a deep immersion in this unique coastal haven. Being amongst the nature, breathing the fresh salty air, it felt good to be back in nature, in those places of great energy that revitalise the body and soul. And I even got the inspiration for a brand-new dance routine for my next show – it’s going to be about the seal family in the bay and all their mischievous tricks, something with real joy and a big burst of pink in its finale!

Ramsgate is, without a doubt, one of my favorite coastal retreats. It’s an eclectic mix of heritage, charm, seaside chic and artistic bohemian, a real cocktail for the soul! If you’re thinking about taking a short trip, I urge you to hop on a train or even a horse, take your pink tutu, your love for life and discover what this enchanting place has in store for you!

I'm off now to plan my next adventure - maybe somewhere with snow, or maybe somewhere with sunshine, wherever it may take me, you can bet my pink tutu will be with me every step of the way!

Until next time, dance your hearts out, embrace your inner joy, and always remember to spread a little pink in this world!

Love, Emma 💕


#TutuBlog 2008-12-25 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.