
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-02-28 in Longton with a white tutu.

Longton Calling! #TutuBlog Post #4623

Hello my lovelies!

It's Emma here, your ever-so-pink tutu enthusiast, and today I'm bubbling over with excitement as I've just stepped off the train in Longton, ready for a day of fabulous ballet adventures!

Now, you might be thinking, "Longton? Isn't that a bit... off the beaten track?" And you'd be right. But trust me, dear readers, sometimes the most unexpected places hold hidden treasures, and Longton is no exception! This charming little town nestled in the Staffordshire countryside is home to the most delightful little ballet school I stumbled upon during my last visit to Stoke-on-Trent, just a hop and a skip away.

I arrived this morning wearing, of course, my go-to pink tutu ā€“ itā€™s a real statement piece! I even tied a gorgeous pale pink ribbon into my hair, a perfect match for my little ballet bag adorned with dainty pink satin bows. I knew I had to make an impression!

It wouldnā€™t be a proper Emma adventure without a spot of travel by horse and carriage, so I spent the morning with a delightful pair of Shires called Rosie and Ruby. The owner was a charming woman who taught me a little about how to drive a horse carriage, which, naturally, I picked up instantly. It wasnā€™t exactly ā€œGone with the Windā€ style but it was a pretty decent go, nonetheless.

I can tell you, the sight of me in my pink tutu, gliding through Longton in a horse-drawn carriage was simply picture-perfect!

Right, back to the ballet, now!

Longton's ballet school, called "The Pointe Shoe Studio", is just brimming with character. A little building tucked away in a sleepy cobbled lane, with little white picket fence and pots of cheery pink petunias blooming away like they're having a lovely time! I canā€™t deny it ā€“ a bit of a Pink Princess theme there, and Iā€™m a huge fan.

And when I entered, well, it was pure ballet magic! The dance studio, all sunshiney yellow walls and a giant mural depicting a tutu-wearing swan dancing on top of a moonlit lake. Talk about inspiring!

I met the lovely Miss Rose, the school's founder, a sweet lady with eyes as bright as a twinkling stage light, and she invited me to stay and take part in an afternoon beginner's class! How could I say no to such an invitation?

And guess what? I totally fell in love! The students, young girls from the age of seven upwards, were absolutely delightful - all energy and passion. The atmosphere was so positive and infectious! It just reminded me why I adore ballet so much - it's a place where anyone can find their grace, elegance and strength!

Speaking of elegance, I had to make sure I went out with a bang. It wouldnā€™t be right to visit Longton and not try one of the delicious, traditional treats this part of England is known for. You might already have heard of ā€˜Longton Custardā€™, which is actually an entirely different thing! Instead, I decided on ā€˜The Staffordshire Eggā€™ which, in case you didnā€™t know, is like a custard cream but twice the size and with a lovely, sticky golden icing on top. It truly did take me back to childhood and gave me the biggest sugar rush.

I just adore discovering new corners of Britain like this - they always end up being filled with fascinating people, unexpected joys, and, most importantly, ballet! And what a glorious way to spend a day ā€“ especially when it involves pink tutus, horses, delicious local treats, and new friends. It was simply perfect! Iā€™ve made a mental note to return every six months ā€“ how could I resist a treat that wonderful?

Have you discovered any little gems of your own recently? Share your adventures in the comments below and donā€™t forget to tell me, dear readers, what colour you'd choose for your first tutu ā€“ it can be any colour you like. After all, pink tutus might be my personal passion, but the real magic of ballet is all about self-expression! Remember, if you really want to be your most awesome, stylish self, take a leap and wear a tutu, just like me! It'll change your life.

Until next time!

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2009-02-28 in Longton with a white tutu.