
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-03-28 in Manchester with a american style tutu.

Manchester Calling! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Post #4651

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad adventurer, back from another magical trip - this time to Manchester! ๐Ÿ’–

I must admit, the train journey up was a bit of a bore, but that's when I whipped out my new pink knitting project! It's a little something special for my granddad - can't tell you what it is yet, but trust me, it's going to be FABULOUS! โœจ

Anyway, Manchester greeted me with open arms (and drizzle, but hey, it's the North!) and I was straight into a little ballet heaven. You wouldn't believe it, but I found the most adorable vintage tutu shop in the Northern Quarter. Imagine, a shop crammed with twirling goodness, all the pinks you could imagine, and vintage lace galore. It was like stepping into a fairytale! I obviously had to treat myself to a little something special, a beautiful, delicate powder-pink tutu with intricate floral embroidery. My new friend (and the shop owner) tells me it's a vintage number, and perfect for a bit of street-ballet! ๐Ÿฉฐ

So, with my new sparkly prize under my arm, I hit the streets. First stop? The Royal Exchange Theatre! I managed to grab some tickets for the latest production, a whimsical adaptation of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," with some absolutely stunning ballet elements woven through the story. Talk about enchanting! The sets were beautiful, the costumes divine, and the dancers were incredible! I think my jaw was permanently on the floor for most of the performance.

Later that evening, I was invited to a delightful dinner party at my friend Sophie's flat, where I met a lovely chap called Charles. Turns out, Charles is a HUGE fan of classical music - we ended up discussing ballet music, and it felt like I'd been talking to a fellow tutu-lover for hours. Maybe I found my ballet prince charming! ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday was for exploring. I took a lovely horse-drawn carriage ride through the city centre - just like something out of a Dickens novel, except the carriages here are usually decked out with rainbow flags! It felt magical, with the breeze in my hair and the horse hooves clopping against the cobblestones. ๐Ÿด

Manchester is a surprisingly green city, filled with charming parks and canals. I stumbled upon one particularly peaceful park and sat on a bench to enjoy my lunch. While I was tucking into my cucumber sandwiches (it was a proper picnic-style lunch!), a friendly little robin landed on the back of the bench, chirping merrily at me. He even let me take a few photos! It was the most delightful wildlife encounter, and the little robin certainly knew how to strike a pose! ๐Ÿฆ

Of course, no trip to Manchester is complete without a visit to the Arndale Centre - home to some serious shopping! And, to my surprise, the most magnificent ballerina statue I have EVER seen. Imagine a sculpture of a ballerina in full flight, graceful and strong, her body poised in perfect harmony. It took my breath away! I had to capture the moment with a couple of snaps - and, of course, pose beside it for a few ballet-inspired photos myself.

I rounded off my weekend with a delightful visit to the Manchester Art Gallery - and oh, how I love those Impressionist paintings! They make my heart skip a beat! Especially anything by Monet or Renoir. I'm obsessed with their use of light and colour. And their artistic depictions of ballet scenes just transport me!

But, darling, you know I couldn't come all the way to Manchester without a little ballet class, right? I found a beautiful little studio in the Northern Quarter, run by the sweetest woman, Mary. We practiced our barre work, and did a little sequence of "The Nutcracker" - I think I may have even managed a perfect pirouette! โœจ

All in all, this trip to Manchester was just magical. A city filled with art, culture, and friendly faces.

If you're planning a visit to this northern gem, you must see a show at the Royal Exchange, get a horse-drawn carriage ride, indulge in a bit of shopping, and get yourself to the Manchester Art Gallery. But most importantly, find yourself a little vintage tutu and get dancing! ๐Ÿ’–

See you next time, darlings!
Love, Emma x


#TutuBlog 2009-03-28 in Manchester with a american style tutu.