Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-03-31 in Worthing with a black tutu.

Worthing Wonders: Pink Tutus & Seaside Dreams

Post #4654

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, and you know I just had to share this gorgeous weekend adventure with you all! Worthing, darling! I’ve been yearning to get down to the South Coast for ages, and what better way to travel than by train? The swaying of the carriage is like a slow, graceful pliĂ©, and I just can’t resist sneaking a peek at the ever-changing countryside from the window.

So, what’s a tutu-loving girl to do when she arrives at a seaside town? Well, of course, I started with a delightful morning of ballet at the local dance school, “Ballet by the Sea." Honestly, darling, the energy in the studio was positively electric! All those graceful figures pirouetting, jetĂ©-ing, and even attempting fouettĂ© turns – it just reminded me of the reason why I fall in love with this art form again and again. I must say, it was an absolute treat for my senses, the soft glow of the barre lights, the rhythm of the music, the intoxicating smell of polish on the floor, all just divine.

I emerged from my little ballet heaven in a state of pure bliss, my limbs aching delightfully, and a giant smile on my face. Feeling utterly radiant, I decided it was time for a little beach stroll – you just can’t come to the coast without a breath of the sea air, right?

Now, my darling Worthing, you are just brimming with charming shops and tea rooms, and a delightful dose of Victorian seaside charm! I did try to find some of the old seaside horse-drawn carriages, but alas, those seemed to have gone the way of the dinosaur!

But don’t think I wasn’t treated to a gorgeous dose of British wildlife. A majestic flock of seagulls decided to make a guest appearance right outside the cafĂ© I stopped at, all clamoring for scraps. They really were the life and soul of the afternoon, fluttering and swooping with such impressive grace. You know me, I had a little giggle when one brave soul snatched a rogue chip right out of my hand! It almost felt like a mini-ballet performance, complete with aerial manoeuvres and an amazing, expressive wingspan.

Feeling inspired, I wandered further, and I promise you the sights were absolutely breathtaking! I can't recommend Worthing’s pier enough – a haven of candy floss clouds, happy screams from children enjoying the rides, and the salty air making your hair fly, perfect for any balletic hair-whipping.

Naturally, a trip to the beach wouldn’t be complete without a glorious afternoon picnic – sandwiches, strawberries, and the obligatory pink bubbly for a touch of "Emma Flair." Let’s just say the setting was picturesque – think dazzling sunshine reflecting off the gentle waves, and me, all dolled up in my favourite pink tutu, a symphony of pinks, creams, and blues on the palette, and of course, a slight breeze causing the tutu to swirl around me – utterly divine. It was like a tiny scene out of a seaside ballet, if you will!

And talking about ballet – this evening I headed off to a truly wonderful ballet show, “Cinderella.” Now, there is something so magical about ballet that transports me back to my childhood, and this performance truly enchanted me. It had all the elements you expect from a fairy tale: graceful costumes, breathtaking artistry, and of course, a classic love story! It just rekindled that little girl within me who fell in love with ballet the first time she saw a dancer in a pink tutu!

Back in my cosy Derbyshire home now, but this trip was just what the doctor ordered, a much-needed dose of sea breeze, laughter, and dance. My travels never fail to inspire me, darling. I have more than enough inspiration now to work on a few more pieces for my “Pink Tutu" fashion line. It wouldn’t be Emma's World without a few fabulous designs, eh?

Oh, and speaking of “Pink Tutu" I just can’t leave you without a little reminder to wear your colours with pride, ladies! Let's turn the world pink, one tutu at a time! After all, a touch of pink never hurt anyone, did it?

Keep twirling,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2009-03-31 in Worthing with a black tutu.