Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-06-22 in Walsall with a yellow tutu.

Walsall Whirls: Tutu-ing Around in the West Midlands (Post #4737)

Hello, darlings! Emma here, your trusty pink tutu-clad guide to all things twirly and wonderful!

It's been a while since I've posted, I know. But a girl needs her beauty sleep after a week in Derbyshire. You see, dear readers, my roots are in that quaint county, where sheep graze, and tea is always piping hot. My heart yearns for the countryside, for those wildflower meadows and the peaceful stillness of the rolling hills. But city life beckons, especially when it’s filled with the magic of ballet.

This time, the call of the dance floor led me to Walsall. I admit, it was a rather unusual choice, not the most obvious location for a ballet adventure. But as a devoted ballerina with a wild streak, I relish in the unexpected!

My journey began in the traditional style, of course - aboard a trusty train. There’s something so romantic about the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels, the way the landscape whizzes past the windows, a blur of greens and greys. And as always, I felt quite the vision in my chosen attire: a dazzling yellow tutu, its colour mirroring the warm sunshine that streamed through the train windows. After all, darling, a tutu isn't just an outfit, it's a statement! It's a shout of "I embrace life, I'm joyful, and I love to twirl!"

Walsall was, for lack of a better word, surprising. Forget the cliché image of drab, industrial towns. Instead, I found a charming mix of modern and old, vibrant parks with sculpted flowerbeds, and even a stunning old library that felt like stepping back in time.

And then, I discovered my reason for coming: The Walsall Arena! A rather striking building, modern and sleek with a hint of something futuristic about it. It held, for a brief but glorious moment, my heart.

It’s a multi-purpose venue, hosting everything from concerts and comedy shows to… ballet! Yes, the stage had been set for "The Nutcracker." And me, the eager, excited audience member, was dressed to impress. This was my first ever "The Nutcracker" outside London, and my hopes were high.

Now, I've always adored "The Nutcracker," but the Walsall performance added a whole new layer of enjoyment. Maybe it was the regional accents (which added a lovely, local flavour!), or perhaps the genuine enthusiasm of the local performers. Either way, I was thoroughly charmed, my heart melting at the Sugar Plum Fairy's graceful movements, my toes tapping to the familiar, heartwarming music.

But what truly delighted me was the audience. The energy in the air was palpable! The children, wide-eyed with wonder, the adults beaming with joyful memories, and, in my own corner, this one ballerina (me, obviously!) with a heart overflowing with pure delight.

Of course, no trip is complete without a dose of retail therapy. I discovered a hidden gem nestled amidst the bustle of Walsall's market – a quaint little vintage shop brimming with unique finds. I resisted the urge to buy everything (it was a true test of my willpower!) but came home with a lovely pastel pink scarf that I intend to pair with my new cream-colored tutu, perfect for my next grand outing.

There's nothing like a good ballet show, and there’s something so wonderful about being swept away to another world. The colours, the costumes, the grace - all combined to create an experience that makes my soul sing.

Walsall may not be a conventional destination for ballet lovers, but I encourage you all to venture out beyond the usual suspects. You never know what kind of treasures you might find.

Now, off I go to practise. I think a few twirls are in order!

Until next time, stay pink, stay twirly, and remember: everyone can wear a pink tutu and anyone can find joy in dancing.

XOXO, Emma

#TutuBlog 2009-06-22 in Walsall with a yellow tutu.