Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-09-02 in Sutton with a green tutu.

Sutton Sparkle: Tutu-ing Through Surrey, Post 4809

Hey darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind weekend trip to sunny Surrey and absolutely brimming with joy (and a touch of tutu-induced sparkle)!

Remember how I mentioned last week that my biggest wish in life was to get everyone wearing pink tutus and doing ballet? Well, I'm determined to make this dream a reality one town at a time! This time, it was Sutton's turn to embrace the magic of the pink tutu, and let me tell you, I left my heart (and a little bit of glitter) behind in that gorgeous town.

My journey began in the traditional way: a train ride. There’s something about the clickety-clack of the rails and the feeling of the wind rushing past that just screams adventure, don’t you think? Plus, there’s no better time to put on a fabulous pair of heels and let the sparkle of my pink tutu glimmer in the sunshine. (It also conveniently keeps my toes warm on those chilly mornings).

Once in Sutton, the streets welcomed me with open arms (and maybe a few curious glances - tutus can be pretty eye-catching, darling!). My first stop? The beautiful Sutton House, a hidden gem of history and architectural charm. Imagine, darling, a stately manor nestled amongst blooming gardens and manicured lawns! You could almost hear the echoes of the past swirling around you. I couldn't resist snapping a few pics of myself against the vibrant rose bushes and the cascading lavender - a symphony of colour worthy of any ballet stage!

Speaking of stages, my afternoon was all about indulging my ballet passion. The Surrey Ballet School was calling my name, and how could I resist? I love finding new classes and soaking up all the energy from these up-and-coming young ballerinas. And honestly, seeing them work so hard on their pirouettes and pliés, filled with so much passion and grace, makes my own tutu heart skip a beat. I mean, don't they make you just want to throw on your own tutu and join them? I think it’s contagious, this love of ballet - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, ballet should be on the curriculum!

After a delightful session, a delightful treat awaited me: afternoon tea at The Rose & Crown. Oh, the delicate scones and fluffy cakes, served with steaming cups of Earl Grey and laughter galore. I swear, the very air of that charming pub was filled with the whispers of happy memories. It was exactly the sort of quaint, quintessentially British afternoon tea you could only dream of!

Later, the sun set as I explored the beautiful green spaces of Sutton, where families enjoyed lazy picnics and couples took leisurely walks. It’s the kind of picturesque charm that I crave for - you know, that sweet balance of vibrancy and serenity.

As the day melted into twilight, I made my way to the local theatre for a captivating performance by the Sutton Arts Company. I do love a good show, and this one was pure enchantment. I particularly enjoyed the production of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (not necessarily known for the tutu’s darling, but a brilliant performance regardless!). It had all the drama, the romance, and the theatricality of my beloved ballet, only wrapped up in a different kind of magical storytelling. The entire performance was simply a feast for the eyes!

My heart was overflowing with Sutton’s charm. And, as I said goodbye to the moonlit streets of Sutton and hopped back on the train (all the way home with a big grin and a twinkle in my eye, thanks to the twirls I just couldn’t resist while enjoying the train journey), I realised how truly delightful a simple weekend getaway can be.

So, dear readers, let Sutton’s vibrant energy inspire you to seek out adventures big and small, near and far. I believe it’s our everyday escapades that add so much colour to our lives. Embrace your inner adventurer and, while you're at it, maybe don a pink tutu and give ballet a try! You never know what magic might unfold.

Now, excuse me while I add some of my most gorgeous photos from my weekend escapades to my online album! Head over to www.pink-tutu.com to catch all the glitz and glam. And as always, leave your own twirling tales below in the comments. I love hearing about your own tutu adventures!

Until next time, darlings,

Love, Emma xx

P.S. Has anyone else encountered a majestic herd of deer near Sutton Park? The sight of them gracefully traversing the verdant landscape had my tutu heart in a flutter! Tell me your tales!

#TutuBlog 2009-09-02 in Sutton with a green tutu.