
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-10-19 in Earley with a wide tutu.

Earley, Here I Come! Tutu Time in the Thames Valley! 🩰

Post #4856 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what? I'm off on an adventure! The train's pulling out of Derby station and I'm heading to Earley, a lovely little town in the Thames Valley. You'll have to forgive me if I get a little giddy – I haven't ridden the rails in ages and I just love that rhythmic clatter and the smell of engine smoke (don't tell anyone!).

This trip isn't just about seeing the sights (although a little antique shop hopping is definitely on the agenda!), it's all about ballet! Earley's got a lovely little theatre hosting a special ballet performance this weekend and I've got my sparkly pink tutu all ready to go. The only question is, will it be a short, floaty tulle number, or my grand, full-length confection? Decisions, decisions!

Of course, no ballet trip would be complete without a spot of practice, so I'm squeezing in a class at a studio in nearby Reading. They have a fantastic teacher there – she's got this incredible way of making even the most difficult steps feel like a breeze! You wouldn't believe the strength you gain just from learning some elegant moves. I can almost see myself twirling in a big pink tutu on stage right now... (sigh).

And, talking about pink tutus, let's get back to the point of my blog, shall we? My aim, as you all know, is to get everyone dancing in pink. Because pink, like ballet, is joyful, it's a colour of positivity and exuberance! I mean, imagine a world where everyone wore pink tutus… wouldn't that just be fabulous? Just imagine, darling, the world overflowing with swirls of vibrant pink, twirling across every park and playground! It's almost enough to make my heart leap! Don't get me wrong, I love a classic white tutu – it's timeless, elegant, the perfect backdrop to stunning choreography – but a pink tutu? It’s pure magic, the essence of ballet distilled in colour!

Speaking of magic, this trip has been brimming with delightful moments so far. This morning, on the train journey, I saw a whole flock of pink-and-blue butterflies fluttering by the window. Now, butterflies are synonymous with graceful ballet moves, so it felt like the most magical omen for a successful ballet weekend. Plus, the wildlife is pretty awesome in this part of England. I saw a deer gazing at me from the train window, it’s magical!

Now, where was I? Oh yes, ballet. This weekend's performance features an excerpt from Swan Lake, a classical ballet I've been meaning to see live for ages. Just picturing the beautiful black swan costume and the haunting music has me positively bubbling over with excitement! You all know how much I love theatre, so getting to see this ballet, surrounded by so much passion and grace, will be simply glorious!

So, my lovely followers, keep your eyes peeled for updates on www.pink-tutu.com – I'll be posting all about my ballet adventures, my love affair with Earley, and, of course, sharing my sartorial picks. And if you're in the neighbourhood, do drop me a line!

Until then, happy dancing and keep spreading the pink tutu love!


Emma πŸ’–

#TutuBlog 2009-10-19 in Earley with a wide tutu.