
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-10-24 in Pontypridd with a feather tutu.

Pontypridd: Feather Tutu Adventures (Post 4861)

Oh darling, you won't believe the fabulous day I've had! I finally made it to Pontypridd, and let me tell you, it was just the most darling little Welsh town! It's known for its lovely market and charming cobbled streets, which reminded me a bit of Derbyshire, only with a bit more je ne sais quoi - something definitely a bit more magical.

My journey started this morning in the most divine way. Imagine: a steaming cup of Earl Grey, the rising sun bathing everything in a soft pink light, and me, snuggled in my favourite armchair, reading through your lovely comments on yesterday's post about the new leotards I picked up in London.

This is one of the things I love most about being a blogger. Knowing that you, my lovely readers, are out there, getting inspired by my little pink world, fills me with the most wonderful feeling. Like I'm creating a little pink revolution, one feather tutu at a time!

But back to Pontypridd. It was actually a whirlwind trip! I couldn't resist the chance to travel there by train - something about the gentle rhythm of the journey, the ever-changing scenery, the cosy cafe carriage where I could indulge in a cream tea - makes it the most charming mode of transport. And let me tell you, the views were breathtaking! The rolling green hills dotted with fluffy sheep were simply delightful. They almost made me wish I had brought my trusty steed along for the ride (but the thought of riding in a horsebox in full make-up...not so elegant!).

My reason for venturing to Pontypridd was the most enchanting ballet performance I've seen in ages! It was hosted in this lovely little theatre, nestled amongst quaint houses. It's truly something special when you find these hidden gems tucked away, isn't it? It felt like we were all part of some beautiful secret, hidden in the heart of the town.

Speaking of secrets, I have to share the star of the show with you. This wasn't just any tutu. This, my dears, was a dream come true - a fluffy, delicate, cloud-like tutu, with thousands of shimmering feathers cascading down its layers! I’ve been collecting feathers for ages and now I have a vision for a tutu for myself!

Honestly, the dance itself was stunning, full of graceful leaps, breathtakingly precise pirouettes, and moments of sheer balletic poetry that took my breath away. The dancers were so talented, so captivating, you could practically feel the passion emanating from the stage!

But it was the feather tutu that stole my heart. I found myself wondering how on earth it held its shape. It was pure artistry! I spent ages after the show browsing vintage shops for feathers. It took quite a lot of hunting - the shops in Pontypridd weren't exactly overflowing with feather boas and showgirl trimmings! But my determination was firm - this vision needed to become reality!

After all, who can resist the whimsical appeal of a feather tutu? I certainly can't! Just thinking about it puts me in the best mood, and I hope it does for you too. After all, life is far too short to wear anything boring! Embrace the sparkle, the frills, the delightful audacity of pink tutus - let your inner ballerina shine!

That reminds me, my darlings! If you are in London this weekend, make sure you come to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Royal Opera House. I am dying to see it - I heard the costumes are incredible! Just be prepared to wear your finest dancing shoes, you never know what might happen when the music takes over!

Before I sign off for today, I need to share with you another of my little finds in Pontypridd. There was this adorable tea shop right near the market. They serve the most delicious Welsh cakes, with lashings of butter and jam! Oh, how I love that traditional charm. I made a little space in my carry-on for some to take home with me - they are truly the perfect indulgence, don't you think?

I know you've all been asking me about the best places to find feathers, and my top secret is out! There's this wonderful antique shop called "Treasures of Time" near the train station in Pontypridd - a veritable treasure trove of feather boas, vintage hats, and even a few glorious tutus! Don’t forget, this weekend I’m off to visit the lovely seaside town of Tenby in Wales for a little escape from the bustle of the city. It's the perfect spot for spotting some majestic seabirds, my other favourite feathered creatures! And of course, I'm sure I'll be picking up a few more feathers to add to my growing collection.

It really is true what they say: every day is a new adventure, just waiting to be discovered, and wearing a pink tutu, you never know what amazing adventures await!

Until tomorrow, my dearest pink-tutu-loving darlings, and don't forget to twirl!

Yours in pink feathers,



#TutuBlog 2009-10-24 in Pontypridd with a feather tutu.