Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-01-03 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.

Oxford Adventures & a Food-Themed Tutu! 🩰🍰

Post number 4932

Hello darlings!

It’s your girl Emma, writing to you from the charming city of Oxford. I've arrived in style, of course – by train! There's just something so magical about watching the English countryside fly past, particularly when you're en route to a place like Oxford. It's like stepping into a fairytale. And let's be honest, a pink tutu definitely helps enhance the effect! 😉

I've always had a fondness for Oxford. There's just something about the old world charm of this university city that makes my heart sing. The cobbled streets, the historic architecture, the vibrant atmosphere... it's all just utterly delightful.

This time, though, my visit isn't purely for sight-seeing. It's for something even more magical!

I'm here to witness a truly unique ballet performance, one that combines the grace of dance with the deliciousness of food. Now, I'm not talking about just a picnic basket on the side of the stage – I mean an actual, full-blown, ballet performance inspired by food.

The details are top-secret for now, but let me tell you, this tutu-wearing ballerina is very excited. And speaking of tutus...

Tutu Alert! A Gastronomic Ballet Creation

Oh my sweet dears, you wouldn't believe what I’ve done! I’ve designed a completely new tutu! And guess what its theme is? Drumroll


It’s a delightful symphony of frills and colours, inspired by some of my favourite sweet treats and delicacies. Imagine swirls of vibrant pink and soft lavender, with intricate patterns mimicking delicious frosting and elegant meringue. There's even a smattering of gold, reminding me of my favourite chocolate coins! I can't wait to show it to you all soon! 😉

The tutu itself is actually inspired by the performance I’m about to see! I find the way certain movements in ballet echo the flow and swirl of decadent sauces and delicious toppings to be utterly captivating. Of course, when I'm planning a new tutu, a bit of creative licence is inevitable! But I can assure you, my food-themed tutu is a vision.

This journey is already making me want to sprinkle a bit of magic and grace into my wardrobe, my life, and the world! Just like this tutu has brought a whole new dimension to my dance practice, I want to inspire people everywhere to embrace a bit of colour, movement, and imagination in their lives.

But more on that later!

Oxford Adventures: Exploring the Charming City

After checking into a rather lovely little B&B in the heart of the city – complete with a charming floral print wallpaper in my room, and a breakfast menu full of delights - I couldn't wait to set out and explore. My first stop? The historic Bodleian Library. Oh my, you have to see it for yourselves. The sheer beauty and majesty of this place – with its towering bookshelves, soaring vaulted ceilings, and that distinctive musty aroma of old paper – transported me right into a magical world of forgotten knowledge and endless possibilities. It made me want to start writing a novel, or at least, a few chapters!

Next up, I visited the picturesque Magdalen College, home to the charming Magdalen Bridge. I had to take a few snaps there, of course, my pink tutu making quite a splash against the rustic brickwork and ivy. I had to be careful about my tutus at Magdalen Bridge. That's what comes from wearing something eye-catching; it attracts a fair bit of attention. But there are much worse things in the world than that!

But it wasn’t just the historical sites that stole my heart. The hustle and bustle of the Oxford streets themselves were truly charming, especially in the late afternoon, when the golden sunlight illuminated the cobbles and shopfronts in a soft glow. From quaint independent booksellers to cafes serving delicious English breakfasts, it was a delight to simply wander around and soak it all in.

My Adventures in Ballet Class

I couldn’t leave Oxford without taking a peek at the local dance scene. So, I found myself at a charming little ballet school in a corner of the city, nestled amongst quaint cottages. The teacher was so lovely, and the other students were welcoming, too. There was something truly special about learning new steps in such a beautifully historic city. It was like stepping back in time while moving forward in grace. And did I mention my tutu stole the show in class?! Of course it did. I felt every bit the princess in my pink tutu amidst a world of elegance and grace!

A Ballet Performance: A Food-Themed Masterpiece

But the main event, the pièce de résistance as we dancers like to say, was the ballet performance itself. Oh, you simply have to imagine it – a ballet set against a backdrop of shimmering fabric representing an exquisitely set dinner table! The dancers flowed like liquid caramel across the stage, their movements echoing the delicate touch of a pastry chef shaping exquisite delights. I won’t spoil too much, but the finale – a grand waltz featuring the entire company - had a particularly enchanting and satisfying climax, akin to the final flourish on a carefully crafted dish. It was truly magical.

My heart truly sings for these performers. What they achieve on stage is beyond words, a dance to nourish both body and soul. They showed the sheer brilliance that can be achieved through passion, dedication and an undying love for this art form.

Sharing the Magic with the World

Now, as I pen this blog post, sipping a pot of steaming English Breakfast tea, I'm thinking of how to share this magic with you. Can you picture yourselves in your own pink tutus, spinning and swirling like delicious desserts, exploring historical streets and feeling like princesses in your own lives? It all starts with a little imagination and a whole lot of fun!

Stay tuned for more stories of ballet adventures, charming travels, and inspiring fashion, my lovelies!

And remember, wear a pink tutu with pride, my darlings. The world needs more sparkles, grace, and a dash of pink!

Until next time,




#TutuBlog 2010-01-03 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.