
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-01-26 in Wembley with a european style tutu.

Wembley Wonders: A Tutu Takes on the Capital! (Post #4955)

Hey there, my darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink-loving tutu-wearer, Emma, reporting live from the fabulous city of London!

I know, I know, you're all thinking ā€œEmma, another London trip? Havenā€™t you conquered the city by now?ā€ Well, darling, you can never really conquer London. There's just so much to see, so much to do, so much sparkle! This time, my journey wasn't just about soaking up the city's sights (although I did manage to sneak in a few glimpses of Buckingham Palace, obviously!), it was all about embracing my inner ballerina in the heart of the theatre district, with a little dose of countryside charm on the way!

I must confess, I love a good train journey. It's a chance to relax, let the world rush by, and dream of all the amazing things that await! My train ride up to London was especially scenic. The English countryside, swathed in winter's soft grey and silver hues, always reminds me of a storybook illustration - just waiting for a sprinkle of magical fairy dust.

The plan? To see a magical ballet performance, in my very best tutu, of course! But not just any tutu ā€“ my darling, Iā€™ve been holding onto this one for a special occasion: A European style tutu with a skirt of billowing pink silk and tulle, topped with delicate pink floral lace! Imagine the twirling potential ā€“ I could literally take flight!

It's not easy to travel with a tutu. Packing is a bit of an art form, but thankfully, my friend (who is, letā€™s just say, super supportive of my tutu habit) had a cunning solution: a beautifully lined case! Now, it felt just as protected as a royal crown! The only downside? Getting to carry it around in the bustling tubeā€¦ (a lesson learnt: Never wear a tutu with a really big bag on the London Underground, even with my usual pink trainers!)

London really embraced the tutu! It turns out, being a walking, twirling, pink dream on a public transport system has its perks. Everywhere I went, I got the most wonderful smiles, playful "tut tut" sounds, and even a few complimentary hand claps! Maybe, just maybe, I was spreading a bit of sparkle magic all around!

My main mission? To see the incredible ā€˜Romeo and Julietā€™ ballet at the magnificent Royal Opera House. Words cannot express the sheer joy of it all. The sheer power of the dancing! The beautifully lit costumes! Those iconic music piecesā€¦ the whole experience made me want to run into the nearest dance studio and let my legs loose!

Speaking of dance, youā€™ll never believe what happened: while I was walking back to my hotel after the ballet, I actually spotted an incredible dance school! I simply had to go in! And, well, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll never believe this: they let me in for a class! The sheer joy of leaping and turning, feeling my pink tulle fly, right there in London ā€“ it truly was a ballet dream come true. They were very understanding of the "new student, but very confident" thing, and everyone was super welcoming!

Of course, whatā€™s a London adventure without a touch of traditional English charm? The next morning, I traded my pointe shoes for a comfy pair of boots and embarked on a horseback journey through the picturesque landscapes surrounding London. I've always believed that riding a horse is another kind of dance: feeling that power beneath you, the wind in your hair, and the freedom of the open fields. Just pure bliss!

As the sun began to set on my London escapades, painting the city in shades of fiery orange and gold, I sat with a cup of warming English tea, a slice of the most delicious Victoria sponge cake Iā€™ve ever had, and felt an undeniable pang of sadness as my time drew to a close. I wasnā€™t just leaving the city behind, I was saying goodbye to a magical tutu-tastic adventure. But, the wonderful thing about this world is that there's always another tutu, another adventure, and another pink-tinged moment waiting just around the corner!

So, remember this: Life is a stage. Step onto it, let your spirit twirl, and don't be afraid to wear your most fabulous tutu!

And as for the next chapter in this dance of life? Well, you'll have to check back in tomorrow to find out!

Until then, let the magic sparkle!

Lots of love and twirls,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2010-01-26 in Wembley with a european style tutu.