
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-02-04 in Hastings with a feather tutu.

Hastings - Post 4964

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-loving, pink-obsessed, ballet-mad blogger, and I'm absolutely buzzing to tell you about my fab day trip to Hastings! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Hastings? Emma, darling, you've gone off the rails!". And you know what, you're absolutely right! Hastings wasn't on my usual "Emma's Ballerina Itinerary", but a dear friend, who shall remain nameless (she knows who she is!), persuaded me to take the scenic train journey down and I'm so glad I did.

As soon as the train pulled into the station, I could feel the seaside air tingling in my cheeks, the fresh salt breeze whispering tales of salty waves and rugged cliffs. Oh, the sheer romanticism! My inner Shakespearean princess was singing (and yes, it was all about Romeo & Juliet at the moment, as it always is). But darling, don't think I left the glitter at home, no no no! My pink feather tutu was the perfect accessory for a day out in the seaside sunshine. We even had a quick photo shoot by the station! (Look out for that on my Instagram, you dears, because obviously the world needs to see it!)

Now, I'm not a total seaside gal, even with a tutu. My heart truly belongs to the elegant stage. So, when my friend suggested we check out the local theatre, I was in my element! This theatre wasn't just any theatre; it was like stepping back in time, you know? High ceilings, velvet seats, chandeliers twinkling overhead. Absolutely divine! But you wouldn't catch me sitting down and missing out on the bustling atmosphere, no way!

I danced, I chatted, I flirted (I mean, who wouldn't be flirting in such an inspiring location? And who knows, maybe we’ll see some famous ballerinas visit here one day!), I sipped tea and nibbled scones, and the theatre was my dance studio. The air vibrated with excitement, and let me tell you, I haven't felt this inspired since last year's Swan Lake performance! Oh, I must show you the adorable theatre souvenir shop I discovered – it’s full of costume jewellery, sparkling hats and fancy dresses, enough to make even the most jaded fashionista gasp in delight.

After my theatre adventure, I took a leisurely stroll through Hastings' quirky streets. Oh, the sights and sounds! You know I adore my horses, and we saw a gaggle of ponies and even a donkey – all very charming and photogenic. It was truly magical, almost like one of those Victorian seaside postcards.

We then popped by a little, family-owned tea shop. Darling, it was like walking into a pastel dream! Every corner was a picture of loveliness. We devoured lemon meringue pies, deliciously decadent scones, and endless cups of delicate china tea. And all this surrounded by whimsical trinkets, beautiful floral wallpaper, and antique furniture. It was simply divine.

Now, my day wouldn't have been complete without a peek at the wild and windy coast. You see, my darling, even my heart of pink tulle finds joy in the raw beauty of nature! There's something exhilarating about feeling the spray of the sea on your cheeks, hearing the crashing waves against the rugged cliffs. It reminds me of the pure energy of ballet, the freedom of movement, the exhilarating feeling of pushing boundaries.

You see, this is what makes life so lovely, those little surprises that take you outside your comfort zone. And when you find yourself on an unexpected adventure in a coastal town like Hastings, well, you know it's going to be an amazing day!

Remember darlings, no matter where you are in the world, take some time to indulge in those whimsical joys. Try something new, be bold, dance with abandon, and embrace the joy that life has to offer! And if you ever need a little inspiration, don't forget your pink tutu and those sparkly dreams. You can do it!

And if you ever need some encouragement, remember: you are fabulous, darling.

With much love and a twinkle in my eye,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2010-02-04 in Hastings with a feather tutu.