
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-08-28 in Leicester with a red tutu.

Leicester: A Red Tutu Adventure!

Post Number 5169

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, and today I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement. Because guess what? I'm in Leicester!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, Leicester? Why Leicester?" Well, let me tell you, my dears, this beautiful city has been calling to me for ages. It's the perfect blend of history, culture, and quirky charm, which is, of course, right up my street (or should I say, tutu?)!

As soon as I stepped off the train (because, darling, travelling by train is just so civilised), the air was filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries and the sound of happy laughter. I couldn't resist popping into a cute little bakery and indulging in a flaky croissant (and yes, I did sneak a cheeky picture for my Instagram story, obviously).

The reason for my trip to Leicester, however, was more than just pastries and charm (although they are important factors, let's be honest!). It's a city that boasts a thriving ballet scene. My dear friends at the Leicester Ballet Company invited me to join them for a rehearsal, and let me tell you, I was absolutely delighted. It's been a while since I've danced with a professional company, and the energy in the room was simply electrifying.

Now, I can't forget to mention my outfit. A ballet rehearsal calls for a classic pink tutu, right? Well, not quite! Today, I decided to ditch the pink for something a bit bolder ā€“ a striking, crimson-red tutu! Yes, you heard me right. Iā€™m branching out!

I paired my red tutu with a black, form-fitting leotard and sleek, black ballet shoes. It was the perfect ensemble for the graceful, but powerful moves we worked on during the rehearsal. I think it made a splash. The other dancers couldnā€™t stop giggling! It really did add a little pizzazz, darling. They all loved it!

After the rehearsal, we took a stroll through the city centre. The architecture in Leicester is just stunning ā€“ grand, historical buildings interspersed with contemporary art installations. It was like a visual feast.

But hereā€™s the thing, lovelies: as we walked, I couldnā€™t help but think how perfect this city would be for a full-fledged tutu parade. Imagine, dozens of ladies in their favourite pink, red, green, blue tutus, twirling through the streets! It would be pure joy, darling! I think I might just have to start organising one.

Oh, and of course, no visit to Leicester is complete without a trip to the National Space Centre. Iā€™ve been fascinated by space ever since I was a little girl, and I just adore their incredible exhibits about the solar system. And, speaking of things that inspire me, my latest favourite thing to look at at the moment, are starlings. So mesmerizing and clever! It is really special how nature finds perfect solutions. So clever.

The evening was spent enjoying a delectable dinner at a cosy little Italian restaurant, followed by an incredible performance of ā€œThe Nutcrackerā€ by the Leicester Ballet Company. The energy and precision of the dancers, the beautiful costumes, the heart-wrenching music - it was absolutely breathtaking. The young ballerinas are just divine, they move with such grace! I couldn't help but think how lucky we are to be able to experience this kind of beauty.

Oh, before I forget! My adventure wouldnā€™t have been complete without a cheeky gallop around the countryside on a majestic white horse. The wind in my hair, the feeling of freedom beneath my feet - itā€™s just something every woman should experience. Iā€™ll have to post photos, so keep an eye out for that on the blog.

Anyway, my dears, this has been a truly magical trip. Leicester, youā€™ve captured my heart. I canā€™t wait to come back and explore you further. Iā€™ve fallen in love with the vibrant community, the beautiful sights, and the contagious passion for ballet.

Now, remember, lovelies, the world needs more pink tutus and more people dancing. So, go forth, spread the joy of ballet, and let your inner ballerina shine! Until next time, darling, keep twirling!

Lots of love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2010-08-28 in Leicester with a red tutu.