Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-10-16 in Bath with a pink tutu.

Bath, oh Bath! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #5218)

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, and today's post is bubbling over with excitement, just like my favourite pink lemonade! I'm writing to you from beautiful Bath, a city so charming it's almost impossible not to fall in love with it. I just arrived on a glorious, sunny afternoon, after a delightful train journey that had me practically pirouetting in my seat (no judging, it was a really smooth ride!).

As usual, I made a statement with my travel outfit – a vintage, oh-so-pink, floor-length tulle skirt, which I wore with a classic black camisole, my favourite ballerina flats, and my trusty pink satin handbag (filled with everything a pink tutu enthusiast could need, of course!). My fellow passengers were charmed, some even gave me a polite, approving nod - you can't help but smile when you see a splash of pink joy brightening up a dreary train journey!

I landed in Bath in the best mood, ready to absorb every bit of this delightful city's magic. As soon as I stepped out of the station, the charming cobblestone streets, beautiful Georgian architecture and the fresh scent of honeyed Bath stone greeted me, making my heart skip a beat. It was like walking into a painting. And did I mention the stunning Royal Crescent? Talk about elegant!

Before exploring Bath’s artistic gems, I had to take a moment to capture the city's beauty through my camera. I simply had to share some shots of this captivating place with all of you on www.pink-tutu.com! There was me standing in front of the majestic Bath Abbey, the golden glow of the setting sun reflecting on the stone. It felt almost magical, as if I had stepped into a classic film about a young ballerina's dreams.

Speaking of ballet dreams, a trip to Bath wouldn't be complete without a visit to the stunning Theatre Royal. As a ballet dancer at heart (I spent my childhood training at Derbyshire Ballet, after all!), it was pure magic. They’re running an amazing ballet production called ‘Giselle,’ and I'm absolutely going to catch it before I leave! It promises to be utterly enchanting.

After my artistic adventure at the theatre, I decided to treat myself to the most amazing, delicately pink tea experience at The Pump Room in the heart of the city. It's one of those quintessential, timeless places where history literally dances on the tables. I'm so glad I had the chance to indulge in the city’s most iconic pastries and dainty sandwiches - and let’s not forget, a rather divine cup of tea with my favourite splash of pink! It was truly the perfect way to end a perfectly lovely afternoon.

However, a day in Bath wouldn’t be complete without a good dose of wildlife. Now, don’t get me wrong, Bath doesn’t exactly scream wild, but you can find unexpected little green spaces scattered amongst the cobblestones and a bustling town square - who knew?! My journey led me to the Royal Victoria Park. The large open grassy areas reminded me of my ballet practice sessions (even if I did end up performing a grand jeté in my tulle skirt as a nearby dog took a rather excited sniff of my ankle. Oops! It's a hazard of wearing a ballerina's attire.!). But seriously, if you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, it’s the perfect escape.

Later that night, as I sat sipping my herbal tea in my hotel room (after a delicious dinner of pink salmon, naturally), I realised how fortunate I am to be living this beautiful, whimsical life. Every day is a pink-tutu-clad adventure. Every corner holds a new memory, a new ballet step, a new place to add to my world. And I want everyone to experience the joy of ballet, of a twirl in a pink tutu, of travelling the world with open hearts and a touch of pink flair. So why not grab your own pink tutu, hop on a train (or maybe even a horse - what's more elegant, I ask you? - but I’m yet to master riding!), and embrace a new adventure? I promise, it will be a beautiful journey.

Until next time,

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2010-10-16 in Bath with a pink tutu.