
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-10-27 in Ealing with a random tutu.

Ealing Adventures in Pink - Post #5229

Oh, darlings! How was your Wednesday? Mine has been a whirlwind of pink tulle and theatrical delight! Let me tell you all about it, because, as you know, my motto is always to share the magic.

It's a bit of a running theme for you regulars (you know who you are!) but I do just love travelling by train. Especially when I get to put on a special outfit for the journey, which is exactly what happened today! I'm off to Ealing for a ballet performance later, but for my train journey, I chose to wear a delicate blush-coloured tutu. It's slightly ruffled, with little pink feathers around the hem. This tutu always makes me feel so whimsical and pretty!

Speaking of whimsy! Have you all been to a proper ballet performance lately? I went to see Giselle last month, and oh, the costumes! Just a sight for sore eyes! And then there's the story – Giselle's love story – it always pulls at my heartstrings. Such passion, such heartbreak! My favourite bit is where Giselle appears as a "Wili," a ghostly creature. It's such a beautiful and moving scene! Anyway, you get the picture; ballet has my whole heart.

And as if Ealing and a tutu weren't magical enough already, I've had the most incredible wildlife encounter today! While waiting for my train, I noticed this stunning little robin. Such bright colours, it truly stopped me in my tracks! Of course, I tried to sneak a photo but he flitted off before I could snap the perfect picture. I was sad but I totally understand – a good robin knows its own value! I'm just thankful for the momentary encounter; they are such cute little creatures. And of course, a total sign I was destined to have a beautiful day.

Right, so back to Ealing!

Today’s show is by the Royal Ballet, so it's bound to be breathtaking. My favourite ballerina is dancing – let's just say I am extremely excited about this performance. Maybe this will inspire me to create some balletic street wear for my blog! Who knows?

But for now, let’s talk fashion! What have you lovely lot been rocking lately? I know you're full of sartorial brilliance! Share your outfits and beauty tips in the comments, let's chat and inspire each other, yes? I'm always so excited to see what you are creating and wearing.

And on that note, I must dash. Time for me to slip into my dancing shoes and twirl my way into the theatre.

Sending you all sparkly, pink kisses!



#TutuBlog 2010-10-27 in Ealing with a random tutu.