Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-01-07 in Leith with a german tutu.

Leith, Lovely Leith! 🩰💖

Post #5301

Oh my darlings,

How is everyone this glorious Friday morning?! The sun is streaming in my window, painting my pink tulle in a heavenly light. I woke up feeling like a princess (which, let's be honest, is how I always feel), but today I had that extra spring in my step – the kind that only comes from knowing you have an adventure planned!

Today's adventure, you ask? Well, darling, I'm on the train to Edinburgh! It's always such a joy to leave the countryside behind and delve into the bustling streets of a city. But you know me, I'm never truly out of touch with my Derbyshire roots.

Speaking of roots… I packed a little something special for my Edinburgh escapade. Yes, my dears, it's my new pink tutu! But not just any tutu, this is my "German" tutu – it's shorter and fuller, with a beautifully embroidered floral design around the hem. It's a little more cheeky and daring than my usual, long, flowy creations. I'm channeling some "Vienna waltz" vibes here, and I'm excited to see how it catches the light of the Edinburgh theatre.

You might wonder, why go all the way to Scotland just to see a ballet performance? Well, dear friends, Edinburgh has something quite special… The Royal Ballet of Scotland are performing "Swan Lake," and you just know I couldn't miss it! I can practically hear Tchaikovsky's music as I write this! 🦢✨

Speaking of beautiful things, the journey here was positively magical. My horse, Poppy, she was so happy to be out of the stables! She doesn't mind a little train travel – she knows she'll be rewarded with a tasty treat and a good head scratch from the kind conductors! You just can't get that in a car, darling. Plus, the window seats give Poppy the best views! 🐎💨

While I’m usually in my element amongst the wildlife of the Peak District, I’ve always had a fascination with city animals. Today, I spotted a little hedgehog making his way down a street corner in Derbyshire. It’s amazing to think we share our little patch of land with such creatures! I did leave him some apples, of course, which he eagerly gobbled down. He looked quite satisfied!

Of course, I’ll share all my exciting Edinburgh experiences with you all in my next post! I’m picturing beautiful red double-decker buses and quaint cobbled streets... all with my dazzling, "German" tutu making a grand appearance.

I’m already dreaming of the stunning artistry of "Swan Lake" and I can't wait to share my reflections on the ballet with you all! Do let me know if you're in Edinburgh tonight – I'd love to meet any of you fabulous pink tutu lovers!

Remember, darling, wear pink, dance like nobody's watching, and never be afraid to embrace the beautiful chaos that is life!

Lots of love and pinks,

Emma xx

P.S. I'm so curious! Have you seen "Swan Lake?" Tell me your favorite parts in the comments! 💖

#TutuBlog 2011-01-07 in Leith with a german tutu.