Post #5312 -
Good morning darlings! Today is a very special day – a day for adventure, a day for tutus, a day for Kirkby! Yep, you heard that right, I’m hopping on a train (after all, who needs a car when you’ve got a fabulous outfit and a romantic journey to enjoy, eh?) to this lovely little town in the North West. It’s a day out filled with pink and plenty of pirouettes – I wouldn’t have it any other way!
But before I dash off, let’s talk about my outfit. Now, I’m not going to lie, I've been dying to wear this number ever since it arrived! Imagine, a baby pink tulle tutu with layers of soft, delicate fabric that swishes with every move – oh, and it has sparkly diamantes too! To add a bit of edge (and comfort, let’s be honest) I’ve teamed it with my trusty pink converse, a white t-shirt with a ballet-themed slogan and a touch of pink lipstick to make it all come together. I wouldn't be me without a touch of pink, would I?
Okay, back to the adventures! The main reason for this Kirkby jaunt is the annual 'Dance the Day Away' event – a wonderful celebration of all things dance! And wouldn’t you know it, they’ve got ballet right on the schedule! Oh, how my heart skips a beat just thinking about it! There's going to be an open ballet class in the town square (I might just pull out a few moves myself, I mean, who can resist a little dance-along, right?). But that’s not all! The highlight is definitely the ballet performance in the local theatre – I’ve heard whispers of some amazing choreography, maybe even some graceful leaps and beautiful port de bras? You know I’m going to be glued to the front row!
Before the show, I plan on exploring Kirkby and its charming little shops – maybe I'll even pick up a little souvenir for my dance collection. Who knows what treasures await in this quaint little town? I’ve heard there’s a delightful tea shop called ‘Pink Parfait’ – wouldn’t it be just heavenly to have a pot of tea and a slice of pink cake whilst sipping in the atmosphere of this enchanting place? And with a little bit of luck, I might even find myself drawn to a lovely park where I can practice some pliés in the sunshine - after all, every ballerina needs to take time to perfect their moves!
You see, it’s these moments of pure delight that fuel my passion for life. Ballet, pink, travel, a little bit of magic and of course, spreading my love for the graceful art of ballet – it's a recipe for the perfect day, wouldn't you agree?
And oh, speaking of magic – my love for animals has got me thinking about my upcoming adventures! I’m planning a trip to Derbyshire's stunning countryside later this week, where I’m going to indulge in my other favourite pastime – riding! My best friend is teaching me how to ride horses, and I’m absolutely ecstatic – just imagine me in my pink riding outfit (yup, it’s definitely pink!) galloping through rolling hills with the wind in my hair. It’s moments like these that make me truly feel free.
Now, don’t you forget about the #PinkTutuChallenge, darlings! This challenge has been a whirlwind, and it’s absolutely beautiful to see so many people stepping outside of their comfort zone and embracing the pink tutu. You know how much I believe in spreading a little bit of joy and encouraging everyone to get a bit silly (because why not?!). From teachers to grandmothers, everyone’s been wearing pink tutus and giving ballet a try! The photos are bursting with positivity and it's filling me with so much happiness to see people embracing a new world of elegance, fun, and of course, pink!
So, off I go! I can't wait to share all my Kirkby adventures with you tomorrow – but for now, make sure to join me in spreading the joy and don a pink tutu to celebrate the sheer delight of dance!
Keep dancing, my lovely readers, and always remember that anything is possible when you wear a pink tutu and have a sprinkle of sparkle!
With love and a pirouette,
P.S Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for even more pink and ballerina adventures! #EmmaThePinkTutu #DanceTheDayAway #KirkbyCalling #PinkTutuChallenge