Hey darlings!
Well, wouldn’t you know it, it was a balmy Tuesday morning when I decided to throw on my bright pink, glittery tutu and head down to Fleet for a spot of ballet-inspired exploring. You see, the whole aim of the game for me, as you well know, is to spread the joy of ballet everywhere I go - and what better place to do that than the south? (After Derbyshire of course! It's gotta be a homebody's prerogative to spread the cheer wherever she calls home. I do love that green valley country life.)
This was actually my fifth time in Fleet (that’s quite a few for a twenty-something!) so you know I had to do something special, right? I even wore my special Fleet Pink Tutu to celebrate this landmark event. I got it for a bargain in the vintage market by the station when I last visited Fleet. It's a bit sparkly, maybe even a little too much sparkle for a grown woman (shh! don't tell the folks back home). The market stalls always have these lovely treasures and it's well worth the journey just to sniff around the beautiful antiques. (Don't get me started on the china shops though. One word: heaven!)
Oh, did I mention the journey to Fleet? This time, I decided to do something extra special. (Because, you see, I am always striving for something extra.) So I travelled in style - you guessed it! It was by horse and carriage! You can't beat the excitement of watching the landscape zip by as you trot along, a pink tutu whipping in the breeze! (Even if I'm more likely to end up with a mouthful of mud in a horse-drawn cart). And, just for a giggle, I was singing a ballet tune, because you know, you've just got to liven up a mundane journey sometimes!
When I arrived in Fleet, I couldn’t believe my eyes! They'd put up this gigantic banner, right next to the statue of Fleet Girl - an almost life-size replica, in bronze! And on this grand banner were these amazing, dazzling photos of a Ballet performance on the streets of Fleet, complete with these gorgeous dancers twirling around in beautiful costumes! This whole thing was definitely what they call ‘an inspiration!’ wink wink.
So what did I do? I went straight to The Royal Ballet School Fleet, where I attended a drop-in ballet class. The ballet studio was lovely, just like in the movies, complete with a mirrored wall, ballet barres, and enough pinks and purples to make your eyes pop! I went full out for the class, with a twirl, a leap, and some fabulous pliés! Then I got my photo taken, of course! Can’t go to ballet class without snapping some pictures, or at least I couldn't... especially when sporting my bright pink tutu. I just had to immortalize this lovely experience, right? Maybe a bit over-the-top? Nah! You just have to love yourself!
After all of that twirling and pirouetting, my legs needed a good rest. So, I went to find my favourite little tea shop - The Tutu Tea Room. Yes! I wasn’t joking! It’s called The Tutu Tea Room! What are the chances, right? Honestly, if someone tells me this isn’t fate, I’m gonna go full dramatic and take to the stage with an angry mime dance!
So anyway, I had a nice hot cuppa (no tea, that would be a crime in my world of tutu perfection, so hot chocolate it was) and I munched on my special Ballet Bliss cupcake! (Pink icing, of course!) Then, the fun really began.
As I was leaving The Tutu Tea Room, this group of ballet girls from The Royal Ballet School Fleet were just finishing up with some ballet stretches. So I did what anyone would do - I joined them, naturally. They were incredibly kind, and gave me some pointers! You know how I feel - any chance I get to improve my dancing? It’s a win-win in my book! We chatted, they even let me try on their costumes - which I just HAD to Instagram with my phone (how can you not snap pics of pretty ballerinas?!) - then they had me doing stretches right there in the middle of the street. (I did keep it PG, no need for a big drama scene!) These girls even complimented my bright pink tutu, they must've had really great taste! We even practiced some dance moves and tried out some pirouettes together. It was fabulous fun and they made me feel right at home!
After all this twirling and chatter, I just had to head off and explore a little more. Now, I might have been inspired by the ‘Ballet on the Streets’ posters (you know I’ve got this habit of jumping at anything inspired by my lovely little ballerina world!) but that inspiration really went off-piste. It didn't quite turn out as I had hoped - so let me take you through my journey. I spotted the signs for Fleet Pond, and well… let’s just say the whole "ballet-inspired, take-over-the-world" plan got completely overtaken by something quite a bit more wild… (Yes, the kind of wild you see in documentaries. Aww! Think ‘nature’!)
After a short walk through the woods, I stumbled across Fleet Pond Nature Reserve and was greeted by the most amazing sight! Imagine - water so clear it’s like you can see through to the other side, giant green reeds brushing against the calm waters. All I could see were these graceful swans gliding across the surface - like swans dancing on the lake (yes, I said dancing!) and a whole flock of geese in a playful ballet across the water. I'm sure they wouldn't have minded me dancing along, but it looked so peaceful I felt I should be polite! I'd been there for about half an hour, captivated by the water-born ballet when... suddenly, out of the blue… a massive Kingfisher swooped down and snatched up a tiny fish. Then, without missing a beat, it swooped off to a branch by the side of the water, just as quickly as it had come.
If you had asked me five minutes before, I'd have told you there’d be nothing to top a street ballet performance for a dazzling moment of magic... well, you just never know what might happen in the beautiful world around you! Even nature can get in on the 'ballet act', and sometimes, nature’s more stunning than anything you’ll find in the biggest stage in the world.
And just like that, the afternoon had vanished, just like the Kingfisher!
I made sure to have a hot cup of tea (the best I could find without any hot chocolate) at the charming café overlooking Fleet Pond - and let me tell you, the most magical thing was how you could watch those graceful swans - like ballerinas (you'll be tired of me saying ballerina before I'm done, I bet!) - from a very comfortable, comfy sofa with a big mug of tea in your hand, while the swans glided across the still waters! (Ah, that English life!). And of course, no visit to Fleet Pond is complete without getting a good photo with my trusty travel tutu!
All in all, Fleet gave me a pretty spectacular and utterly unique day, but I'm pretty sure that's what makes the Pink Tutu life so fun! Now, I can’t wait to go explore other new spots! And if you’re ever feeling inspired, head over to the Royal Ballet School Fleet website - they're pretty darn good. You could be dancing on the streets of Fleet yourself one day!
Until then, keep twirling,