
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-02-09 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.

Cleethorpes Calling! A Wide Tutu Adventure (Post #5334)

Hello my gorgeous tutu-lovers! πŸ©°πŸ’– It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu enthusiast, writing to you live from the beautiful seaside town of Cleethorpes. As I write this, the salty air is swirling around my legs, and the sun is sparkling off the waves, casting a glorious glow on the wide, flowing skirt of my oh-so-pink tutu.

This trip has been a real whirlwind of tutu-tastic adventures! I travelled here from Derbyshire in the most romantic way – by train! The gentle rocking of the carriage, the scenery flying past the window, the calming hum of the engine… it's all just so incredibly magical. I wouldn't trade it for all the plush leather seats in the world (though I'm not averse to a good first-class compartment, don't worry!).

My arrival in Cleethorpes was the stuff of fairytales! I hopped off the train, feeling like a ballerina straight out of a storybook. The quaint town with its charming shops, seaside arcades, and iconic pier felt like stepping back in time. It's got this amazing nostalgic vibe. And speaking of iconic... I spotted a gorgeous vintage shop selling the most incredible collection of antique tutus! They were absolute treasures, some even with handmade flowers and delicate beading. I could have stayed there all day, browsing through the exquisite costumes. I may have just had to borrow one for my Instagram post... Oops, shhh! πŸ˜‰

My next adventure was a visit to the local wildlife centre! I was beyond excited to meet some feathered friends up close. It was a little bit "Emma the ballerina meets Mother Nature," if you get me. Who knew I would get such a kick out of watching a flock of fluffy seabirds dive-bombing into the ocean for their lunch?! I might even have attempted to join them (a ballerina with a passion for penguins, I mean who wouldn't be tempted by a penguin dive!) ...Thankfully, my better angels of sense prevailed (thank goodness for my long flowing tutu that would have definitely gotten wet!).

This evening, I'm treating myself to a real seaside treat – a traditional fish and chips by the harbour. I know, I know, it’s not the most 'ballet-appropriate' of meals, but hey, life is about balance. Besides, you can't travel to Cleethorpes without sampling their famous fried delights! I just hope my tutu survives this experience – my stomach's already starting to gurgle with excitement! I might need a second tutu, one for feasting!

Now, my darling tutu-friends, it wouldn't be a proper Cleethorpes blog post without mentioning the stunning pier. The sheer expanse of the pier with the twinkling lights and gentle lapping of waves was mesmerizing. And the best part? The seagulls – they're so well-dressed! Not just in their usual black and white, but sporting bright splashes of pink and coral, perfectly complementing my own perfectly-pink tutu. You can't deny, it was like a dance routine straight from heaven – if heaven had a pier!

Honestly, this trip has been everything a ballet dancer and blogger could want. It’s been a mix of elegance and adventure. A perfect combination of pink-tutu-power and seagull-induced laughter. Cleethorpes, you have captured my heart! I may have to pack my dancing shoes and my wide, oh-so-lovely, tutu for a little while longer!

Oh, and before I sign off – a little plea from my heart: Let’s make the world a brighter, more graceful place! Spread the joy of ballet. Wear pink. Wear tutus. It's about feeling fabulous and feeling the power of movement. Who knows, it could be the spark that lights up the world, one twirl at a time!

Catch you soon, lovelies, with another pink tutu-tastic adventure! πŸ’•

Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for my daily posts.

Until next time,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2011-02-09 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.