Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-07-18 in Scunthorpe with a red tutu.

Scunthorpe, My Pink Tutu and Me! 💖🩰

Post #5493

Hello my lovely pink tutu princesses! 💖 It's your favourite Derbyshire darling, Emma, checking in from…wait for it…SCUNTHORPE! 🎉 Yep, you read that right. The Ironmongery capital of Britain! 🧲 I know, I know, it's not exactly the most glamorous of destinations. But hey, where there's a will to dance, there's a way, right? 😉

And let me tell you, my lovelies, there is plenty of dancing happening in Scunthorpe! Not necessarily in the classical, tutus-and-tiaras kind of way (though I did rock a red tutu here today – more on that later!). But there’s definitely a thriving arts scene in this town, with a great little community theatre and plenty of classes for budding dancers, and believe me, I’m going to try them all!

But let’s back up a bit. How did I end up here, you ask? Well, dear readers, you see, it all started with a little bit of inspiration and a whole lot of adventure! It's always been a dream of mine to visit all 396 local authorities in England (don't worry, I've got a very carefully crafted itinerary!). I've already travelled to so many amazing places, each with their own unique charm and personality – from the hustle and bustle of London to the tranquil beauty of the Lake District, from the ancient ruins of Hadrian’s Wall to the vibrant coastal towns of Cornwall. Scunthorpe is just another step on this exciting journey. And let's be honest, any excuse to slip on a pink tutu and explore the unknown is a good one, right? 💕

This time, instead of catching the train, I decided to give the trusty horse a rest and opted for something a bit different. Turns out Scunthorpe is easily accessible by…wait for it…HORSE-DRAWN TRAM! Now, I've been on my fair share of adventures in the past (we're talking elephant rides in Thailand, gondola rides in Venice, you name it!), but nothing quite prepared me for the sheer joy and exhilaration of a ride on a vintage horse-drawn tram. Imagine the feeling, the wind whipping through your hair, the clinkety-clank of the old iron wheels on the track, the smell of horse dung... pure bliss, darling! 🤪

The journey wasn’t just a delightful way to get to Scunthorpe. It was also a great opportunity to do some wildlife spotting. We saw a whole herd of beautiful brown horses grazing in the fields next to the tracks. (My camera, of course, was at the ready – and what better backdrop for a selfie than a pink tutu and a horse? 😍) You see, as you all know, I’m a huge wildlife lover, and every chance to connect with nature is a precious gift. From my childhood days exploring the woods in Derbyshire, where I spent hours searching for foxes, to watching penguins waddle along the shores of South Africa, to being captivated by the magnificent elephants of Botswana – nature is something that truly brings me joy.

Speaking of foxes, I couldn't leave Scunthorpe without visiting the infamous 'Fox Inn' - an iconic red-brick pub boasting an equally vibrant history. Turns out, the town's got more than just ironmongery to its name! I had the most amazing fish and chips there (and by the way, it's not a cliché! The food was actually truly outstanding!) and indulged in some locally brewed craft beer - you just can’t get that in London! 😋

Now, back to that red tutu. I promised you an update. Well, dear readers, today, I embarked on an exciting little experiment! As a passionate advocate of dance (who doesn’t love a bit of twirling? It’s an essential part of my life, after all!), I wanted to inspire everyone in Scunthorpe to get their twirls on! My mission? To inspire a town, one red tutu at a time! 💃

Now, before you raise an eyebrow at the color choice, hear me out. While pink will always be my go-to (after all, my blog is aptly called “pink-tutu.com”, right?), sometimes it's fun to break free of tradition. And what better place to rock a red tutu than the “Ironmongery capital”?! After all, Scunthorpe isn't afraid of a bit of boldness. Just look at their town sign - an ironmongery masterpiece in itself! 😄

So there I was, walking down the high street, a vision of crimson glory against a backdrop of cobblestones and shop windows, feeling every inch the ballet goddess! 👠

My plan was simple: to capture some fabulous photos and inspire those around me. It's surprising how much joy a simple act like twirling in a red tutu can bring! People smiled, laughed, took photos – I even got a couple of brave souls to join me! 🙌

So here's my advice, my lovely ladies, no matter where you go, no matter who you are, be fearless, be bold, and wear your pink tutus (or maybe even a red one!) with pride. And remember, if a girl from Derbyshire can twirl in a red tutu in Scunthorpe, you can conquer anything!

Until next time, keep twirling and stay pink! 💖

#TutuBlog 2011-07-18 in Scunthorpe with a red tutu.