
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-09-22 in Leith with a black tutu.

Leith Adventures in Pink: Tutu Tales from Edinburgh!

Post #5559

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, and you won't believe the whirlwind of a day I just had in Edinburgh! I'm currently living my best life, touring the UK with my favourite pink tutu (it's got shimmering sequins, it's almost too dazzling to wear!). Today, it's all about exploring the charming streets of Leith, and let me tell you, this little corner of Edinburgh stole my heart.

It's so refreshing to be away from the hustle and bustle of London for a while, although I must admit I really missed having my adorable dachshund, Coco, by my side on the train journey here. Thankfully, she gets lots of cuddles and playtime while I'm away with my favourite aunt. Coco is a true princess, even if she is a sausage dog!

Before I start gushing about my adventures in Leith, I just want to mention a truly epic ballet performance I saw last night in the Scottish National Opera, it was like magic on stage! There's nothing quite like seeing ballet performed by incredible dancers with all their graceful movements and flawless technique, it's honestly awe-inspiring! I know what you're thinking: "Emma, isn't it a bit strange wearing your tutu out and about?" And to that, I say, why shouldn't we spread the love of tutus, the joy of dance, and the magic of a little bit of pink? Life's too short for plain outfits and stiff routines!

Now, back to Leith! As I stepped off the train, the salty air hit me, a delicious scent of the sea mixed with a hint of blooming lavender from the nearby gardens. The town feels like a charming blend of seaside vibrancy and historic charm. This place just screams out for a whimsical adventure in a tutu, wouldn't you agree?

First things first, a quick stop at "The Ship on the Shore", an adorable little cafรฉ that served up the best chai latte I've ever tasted (all those spices!) I can never resist a delicious treat before a good explore. As I savoured my caffeine fix, I couldn't help but sketch in my notebook โ€“ the inspiration for my next tutu creation! Imagine this: a soft lilac tulle with a sprinkle of shimmering silver, flowing like a gentle wave with the faintest hint of the salty ocean breeze. (Okay, maybe I should add that to my 'Tutu Wishlist'! ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Speaking of creativity, the colourful murals scattered throughout Leith's alleys felt like an art exhibition right in the heart of the city! Itโ€™s truly a feast for the eyes, each colourful creation boasting a unique story, from portraits of local heroes to playful depictions of playful marine life.

A bit later, as I walked along the harbour, a local seagull spotted me and landed on a nearby bench. I'm no bird whisperer, but for a moment, I felt like we were connected in our love of freedom and our penchant for colourful outfits! This silly feathered friend didnโ€™t mind me at all, maybe because I was in my lovely pink tutu! I have this theory that a bit of sparkle makes you friendlier in the animal world! (I've certainly felt calmer in my tutus, maybe I need to study that!)

One of the most magical moments of the day was when I came across a group of children enjoying a puppet show in the square. The playfulness in their faces, their awe as the characters danced to the beat of a local busker, brought a warmth to my heart that I can't quite explain. They were all decked out in their own mini versions of colorful costumes โ€“ capes, superhero shirts, even a tiny tutu on a little girl with the most infectious laugh I've heard. It reminded me that we never truly grow out of the magic of play, especially if there's a touch of pink and sparkle involved!

In the afternoon, I took a short ferry ride across the water, mesmerized by the beautiful sights of Edinburgh from a different angle. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy a sea breeze while floating past dramatic cliffs, medieval castles, and bustling city life all at the same time? This little trip solidified my feeling that Leith is truly a place where history whispers secrets to the waves. And it truly brought the best in my pink tutu to the forefront, if you know what I mean!

Of course, I couldn't end my day in Leith without exploring the famous Leith Walk, it's a street packed with unique shops and charming restaurants. I must admit, my afternoon tea break at a cosy little bakery filled with tempting cakes was a treat fit for a tutu-clad princess (all the sugar, I know!). I have a serious weakness for scones, cream and raspberry jam, and luckily the cakes didn't have as much sugar as Iโ€™d feared!

Leith, you've definitely won a place in my heart. Your blend of vibrant culture, historical charm, and captivating seaside beauty has filled me with so much inspiration, and a bit of joy, all wrapped in a fluffy pink bow. Oh, and did I mention I managed to find a pink tutu in one of the local shops? It's not as fancy as mine, but the price was right! It will certainly be on my blog in a future post...

*Outfit of the Day: * My signature pink tutu paired with a white blouse and a vibrant lavender shawl that brought the colours of Edinburgh to my outfit, all completed by my favourite black lace boots with a sprinkle of pink on the heels!

*Final Thoughts: * Leith was the perfect day trip, the kind that makes you feel like you've traveled a world away and had a hundred adventures, all within the span of a few hours. This magical town and the joy it brought reminded me of what truly makes me happy, why I wear a pink tutu and love the beauty of ballet. To express myself, embrace my inner child and let go of the worries of life and just dance, because life is better in a pink tutu!

Until next time lovelies, Iโ€™ll be posting from a secret Scottish beach with my pink tutu and a delicious chocolate bar. I can't wait to share it all with you on www.pink-tutu.com!

Big love, Emma xXx

#TutuBlog 2011-09-22 in Leith with a black tutu.