
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-12-01 in Didcot with a stiff tutu.

Didcot: A Stiff Tutu and a Day of Delight!

Post #5629

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Emma, back with you for another day of pink-tutu filled adventures! This week, I decided to swap my usual Derbyshire greenery for a touch of Oxfordshire charm and journey to the delightful Didcot!

The journey down was oh-so-splendid. I opted for a scenic train journey, savouring the picturesque countryside views from a comfy first-class carriage. Donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s something exhilarating about galloping through fields on horseback, but thereā€™s something uniquely graceful about gliding through the landscape in a train, you know? I felt a little like a princess on her way to a royal ballet, twirling my tutu a bit, I must confess!

Didcot itself was a delightful surprise! A quaint town with a certain quaint charm. You could tell it had a bit of history, with its lovely Victorian architecture and cobbled streets. It was the perfect backdrop for a bit of tutu-wearing fun.

My main reason for venturing to Didcot was to catch a performance by the Oxfordshire Ballet Company at the local theatre. They were performing a production of ā€œGiselleā€, and let me tell you, it was just as breathtaking as everyone said! The dancers were simply magnificent, gliding across the stage with such grace and poise, the costumes were divine, and the music - oh, the music! It truly was a treat for the senses. I've already decided I'm adding "Giselle" to my must-watch list, so if any of you have recommendations for good productions Iā€™d love to hear them. You know how much I love ballet, and Giselle really lived up to the hype!

Of course, no trip to Didcot would be complete without indulging in some delightful tea and scones! I found this delightful little cafe called "The Pink Petal" - how could I resist? Everything was pink, from the dainty rose-patterned china to the little pink heart-shaped biscuits accompanying the scones. I could just imagine Marie Antoinette taking a delightful afternoon tea there herself.

Speaking of lovely things, my tutu was rather a sensation in Didcot, if I say so myself. People kept stopping to tell me how lovely it was! And it wasn't even a fluffy, pink princess-like tutu, no. This time, it was a moreā€¦ theatrical affair. You know the kind, it was black with a touch of sparkle and feathers and had a bit of a "stiff" edge to it. But it still made my heart happy! It's funny, the things that make a tutu magical! Maybe it's not about the colour, but about the way it makes you feel.

Itā€™s hard not to smile in a tutu, I must say. You just canā€™t help yourself, it's just so much fun! And that, my darlings, is exactly the kind of energy I want to spread through this pink tutu blog! I'm trying to show the world that ballet can be enjoyed by anyone, anytime. I truly believe that wearing a pink tutu is a statement of confidence and creativity.

Donā€™t be shy, if you've been hesitant to join the pink tutu revolution, just give it a try! You might surprise yourself!

While Iā€™m on the topic of "revolutionā€, the local wildlife in Didcot was another charming discovery! They didn't quite sport tutus, but their elegant grace had me swooning. We even had a family of ducks follow me through the park, like a little ballet of fluffy water-fowl. The squirrels were quite the little acrobats, scampering up and down trees like mischievous little ballerinas. If anyone's up for some wildlife watching in their pink tutus, Didcot would be a lovely destination, I tell you!

And on that note, I'm off! Tomorrow's another day and, with any luck, another pink tutu adventure!

See you all on the internet,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2011-12-01 in Didcot with a stiff tutu.