Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-12-09 in Dover with a american style tutu.

Dover Calling: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #5637)

Hey lovelies!

It's Emma here, ready to take you on another adventure! Today, we're trading in the Derbyshire countryside for the rugged cliffs of Dover. That's right, I'm off on a little train journey, armed with my trusty pink tutu, to explore this historical seaside town!

Dover, you're a sight to behold!

As the train rattled along, the English countryside flitted by – rolling hills, sheep grazing in fields, the occasional quaint village... pure magic. But nothing could prepare me for Dover's beauty! The sheer cliffs rising dramatically from the sea, the white cliffs so white they shimmer in the sunlight, the charming little streets... it's enough to make a girl squeal with delight!

I found a quaint little B&B right on the harbour, with the most gorgeous views of the channel. Of course, I couldn't resist unpacking my pink tutu, because who needs a boring old dress when you can twirl in something sparkly? Let's just say, my twirls became a little more dramatic with the majestic white cliffs as a backdrop!

The Ballet of Dover...

It's not every day you get a ballet performance on the coast, so naturally, I had to check out what Dover had to offer. And guess what? They have a stunning little theatre nestled right in the heart of town! This charming little venue had the most beautiful stage, all lit up with twinkling lights. The show itself was a classic – a breathtaking adaptation of 'Giselle' with graceful dancers and beautiful costumes. Every pirouette, every leap felt like magic in that beautiful setting. And let me tell you, it sparked my inner ballerina more than ever! I had the most delightful time catching up with fellow ballet lovers at the interval, exchanging gossip and admiring each other’s lovely outfits. We even spotted a couple of adorable little girls sporting tiny pink tutus – absolutely heart-melting!

A Horse and Carriage Romance…

Speaking of adorable things, I found the most beautiful carriage rides in Dover! Picture this: a gentle breeze, the sound of the sea lapping against the shore, and the magnificent cliffs looming overhead – all while wearing a stunning pink tutu that twirled gracefully with every turn of the wheel. Pure bliss! I imagined myself in a storybook, the perfect blend of grace, beauty, and a touch of fairytale magic.

The Wild Side of Dover…

The next morning, I decided to embrace Dover’s natural wonders. I hopped on the cutest little bus and found myself on the dramatic white cliffs, feeling the wind in my hair and watching majestic seagulls glide above the crashing waves. You know I couldn’t resist grabbing a picture with the amazing view… obviously, wearing a bright pink tutu, because pink makes everything a bit more magical! I also met a lovely lady who shared her knowledge of local wildlife, pointing out the different types of birds and explaining how they contribute to the delicate ecosystem. She told me all about the cute little Puffins that come to the coast in summer, and I'm determined to come back in June just for that!

Ballet for Everyone!

Walking back through the heart of Dover, I couldn't help but think how much this town embodied the spirit of grace and beauty that I cherish. Just like my beloved tutus, Dover reminded me of the magical potential we all possess within us. It's not just about dancing on stage; it's about expressing yourself freely, about embracing beauty in every form.

And that’s my message today, darlings. Let’s spread the love of ballet, of tutus, of everything that sparkles and twirls. Who’s with me?!

Until next time, stay beautiful and remember, always keep a touch of pink tutu in your heart!


Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2011-12-09 in Dover with a american style tutu.