
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-12-26 in Ashington with a pink tutu.

Ashington: Tutu Adventures in the North! πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hello my darling Tutu-ettes!

Welcome to another day of pink tulle and twirling dreams. It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, bringing you Post #5654 from the heart of... Ashington!

Yes, you heard right, my fellow tutu-loving friends. The train journey might have taken a tad longer than anticipated (a certain rogue badger decided to take a leisurely stroll across the tracks!), but I made it. And trust me, the journey was worth every minute!

Ashington might not be the first place you'd think of when picturing a ballet adventure, but let me tell you, there's magic lurking in every corner! I arrived at lunchtime, a wave of fresh, crisp air meeting me at the station. The skies were a vibrant cerulean, dotted with puffy white clouds - just the perfect backdrop for my fuchsia tutu! I couldn't resist a quick spin in the station square before heading to my first stop: a lovely little tea room nestled amongst quaint brick houses.

After a scrumptious cuppa and a scone the size of my head (and yes, it was strawberry jam!), I made my way to the local arts centre, a charming old building that was abuzz with creativity. They were hosting a 'Ballet for Beginners' workshop, and oh my, I almost squealed with delight! It's always a joy to witness people discover the magic of ballet, those tentative first steps, the wide eyes and hesitant smiles as they find their rhythm and grace. We even did a little pirouette with the help of some pink fairy lights, which made the entire experience even more whimsical.

Speaking of whimsical, have I told you about my new dream horse? His name is Prince, and he's a majestic chestnut with the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. I discovered him at the Ashington Riding School, just a short walk from the arts centre. We'll be taking to the fields for an exciting gallop on Wednesday, and I can't wait!

But my Ashington adventure wasn't just about dance and horses. The day was filled with fascinating discoveries!

I stumbled upon a stunning old library filled with shelves upon shelves of antique books and dusty maps, each holding untold stories. It felt like a fairytale, and I could easily have lost myself amongst its towering stacks for hours. Then there was a hidden art gallery showcasing a stunning collection of contemporary artists. I even met a delightful couple who were celebrating their anniversary. They were holding hands as they strolled through a park full of beautiful rose bushes, and I couldn't help but beam at their shared happiness.

The day ended with a glorious walk along the North Sea coast. The wind ruffled my hair, the waves crashed against the shore, and the sunset painted the sky with a palette of fiery oranges and pinks. It was simply breathtaking.

And then, just as I was about to board the train back to Derbyshire, I found it. Nestled in a little antique shop, a beautiful vintage tutu in a delicate shade of blush pink. Now, my dears, I just can't resist a tutu in need of a good home, especially when it's that shade of pink! Let's just say it's making its grand debut tomorrow in Derbyshire. πŸ˜‰

So, my fellow Tutu-ettes, that's my Ashington adventure in a nutshell.

It was a whirlwind of fun, inspiring encounters, and unforgettable experiences that reminded me once again why I love exploring the world in my pink tutu. It’s always wonderful to discover the unique charm and hidden gems of unexpected places, and let’s face it, Ashington truly did steal my heart!

Until tomorrow, my darlings! Remember, every day is a chance to wear a pink tutu and find your own bit of ballet magic, no matter where you are!

Much love,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2011-12-26 in Ashington with a pink tutu.