Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-01-20 in Portsmouth with a green tutu.

Portsmouth Calling!

Post number 5679 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely buzzing after a whirlwind weekend in the seaside gem of Portsmouth. I’ve got to admit, the trip was totally inspired by my love of tutus - not just any tutu, mind you, but a glorious, emerald green one that’s been calling out to me for months.

Now, if you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that I live and breathe pink. But sometimes, even the most dedicated pink aficionado needs a little bit of emerald green to shake things up! So, naturally, I packed this exquisite creation and set off for the coast, with my heart filled with excitement for the weekend ahead.

But before I delve into my adventures, a quick confession: this trip was all about embracing my love for trains. I don't care who knows it, but I'm a bona fide train enthusiast! The clickety-clack of the rails, the whizzing by of the countryside, it just feels like a grand adventure. Plus, there's nothing quite like catching a glimpse of the glistening sea from the carriage window as you journey toward a new destination.

Speaking of new destinations, let me paint a picture for you of Portsmouth.

It’s a city bursting with life, brimming with charm, and nestled right next to that magnificent, sparkling sea. My very first impression was one of wonder - a blend of ancient maritime history and vibrant modernity that just feels electric. There's something special about cities that sit on the coast, you know? That fresh air and that hint of the endless, unpredictable ocean… It makes you feel truly alive.

But back to my emerald green tutu. It was meant for the Portsmouth sunshine, and it couldn't have looked more glamorous twirling along the Southsea Promenade. The vibrant green shimmered with each turn, a splash of color against the azure sky, and the salty air just added a certain magic. I could imagine myself a graceful nymph, dancing with the wind!

Naturally, I couldn’t let the trip pass without indulging in a little ballet class at Portsmouth's historic Theatre Royal. The stage, it seems, has a magnetic draw, and the Theatre Royal is a truly magnificent example of Victorian architecture. While the theatre itself exudes history and elegance, its classrooms are warm and inviting, welcoming all dancers, regardless of their level. The instructor, a beautiful, talented woman named Miss Davies, even had us working on some elegant pas de bourrée combinations - just my cup of tea, darlings!

Later that evening, my adventures continued with a delightful stroll along the bustling harbourfront. The sound of the seagulls, the boats bobbing on the water, and the laughter echoing around… it's a true sensory overload in the most wonderful way. There's a timeless quality to these harbourfront scenes, an enduring beauty that leaves you feeling calm and contented. And let me tell you, after a demanding ballet class, that peacefulness was exactly what my soul craved!

Speaking of contentment, I discovered a little gem called "The Salty Mermaid". It’s a charming café tucked away on a cobbled street. It felt as though I’d stumbled upon a secret oasis of sweetness, with the aroma of freshly baked cakes filling the air and teapots overflowing with fragrant, steamy brew. It was the perfect pit-stop for a weary but exhilarated ballerina like myself.

While enjoying a delightful slice of Victoria sponge, I indulged in some serious people-watching, observing the diverse and intriguing characters strolling past. From seafaring types with their nautical attire to young families enjoying the sunshine, every individual seemed to have their own story waiting to be unveiled. I couldn’t resist a little sketching - nothing too detailed, just a few quick outlines that captured the essence of each passerby.

On my last morning, before bidding farewell to the enchanting Portsmouth, I indulged in another little treasure - the city’s historic Dockyard. Now, you wouldn't believe how I felt drawn to its imposing brick buildings, steeped in the rich history of the Royal Navy! Wandering among the iconic HMS Victory, and peering inside those majestic ships, I could almost hear the ghosts of past battles whisper in my ears. It was a powerful, evocative experience that left a lasting impression on me.

Now, it's back to my pink tutu and Derbyshire, where the hillsides bloom with wildflowers and the air is filled with the cheerful sounds of birdsong. However, I'll never forget this vibrant weekend in Portsmouth, a city that captivated my imagination, inspired my love for tutus, and brought a sprinkle of emerald green to my typically pink-hued life.

So, darling readers, as you’ve already gleaned, I'm all about inspiring everyone to try on a tutu - be it pink, green, or any color under the rainbow. So, find your nearest ballet class, unleash your inner ballerina, and let the music move you!

And lastly, for those of you who might be a bit shy about taking those first steps, remember the words of the great ballerina, Martha Graham: "There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost."

Don't be shy, darling readers, embrace your inner ballerina! I promise, you won't regret it.

Until next time,



#TutuBlog 2012-01-20 in Portsmouth with a green tutu.