
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-05-31 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.

Folkestone: A Tutu and a Seagull Tale

Post number 5811 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, reporting live from Folkestone! Yes, that's right, I've swapped my usual Derbyshire scenery for the glorious seaside charm of Kent. I'm so excited to be here, exploring a new town and of course, getting my daily dose of ballet fix. This week has been all about the grace of nature, and guess what, it inspired a brand new tutu!

Before I get carried away with the details, let me tell you about my journey. The train journey down was, as always, an absolute delight. I find it so calming watching the world zip by, a steady stream of countryside landscapes painted across my window. I was all tucked up in my comfy pink cashmere scarf (you can't travel without a touch of pink!), lost in a book of ballet poetry, when the first signs of the coast began to appear. It was like watching a magic trick! From fields and villages, the scenery abruptly morphed into dramatic cliffs, dotted with pastel-colored houses and the glittering blue sea in the distance.

My little hotel in Folkestone is absolutely adorable. Think quaint cobbled streets, pretty flower boxes, and a delightful tea room serving delicious homemade cakes. And, let's be honest, I am not above taking a photo in my tutu for the gram against such picturesque backdrops, just saying.

My Folkestone adventure has been all about the beautiful sights, sounds, andā€¦well, you guessed itā€¦the ballet! There's a brilliant theatre down here hosting a week-long ballet festival and it was my first stop once I dropped off my bags. It's a beautiful old venue, full of character and charm, just my cup of tea. They even have a lovely cafe right by the stage door where Iā€™m indulging in afternoon tea and watching the dancers go in and out for rehearsals. You wouldn't believe the moves they've got up their sleeves. It's giving me so many ideas for new choreographies and inspired me to experiment with my own movements, which youā€™ll get to see when I post my new tutu in a few days.

Speaking of my new tutuā€¦letā€™s talk seagulls! Now, they may not be the most graceful creatures you'll meet, but there's something magical about them. You know those dramatic swoops and dips? So full of personality, just like a ballerina with all her leaps and fouettĆ©s! This seagull grace inspired me to create a new tutu that reflects the spirit of freedom and movement. Iā€™ve got a brilliant feather detail I'm dying to tell you about. Think a cloud of feathers in a colour Iā€™m calling ā€œseagreen shimmer,ā€ and that little ā€œballet-on-the-beachā€ aesthetic!

I actually even tried to include some real seagull feathers, but that proved quite the mission. My quest began with a morning walk along the seafront, where I tried to convince a particularly friendly seagull to give me a few feathers. He, of course, thought I was a little mad, and quickly swooped off with a cheeky squawk. Let's just say, this tutu is definitely an artistic challenge for me, But who doesnā€™t love a good challenge, right?

Folkestone, youā€™ve already made such a splash. I can see myself coming back again and again. So much history and charm, coupled with the ever-present breath-taking coastline. I just want to soak it all up, breathe it in, and let it inspire me in my dance. Itā€™s just what I need right now - to open up to the world and see it through the lens of a dancer, finding grace in every move, beauty in every turn. I even have a little picnic planned on the beach tomorrow with my pink ballerina picnic blanket - itā€™s been an idea of mine for ages, a picture of femininity, the perfect setting for enjoying a cheeky sandwich and reflecting on this amazing journey.

I hope youā€™re all inspired by my Folkestone adventure. Remember, lifeā€™s a dance, and every day brings a new and beautiful step. And just like me, remember to grab those pink tutus and hit the floor, even if you think you've never taken a step! Youā€™ve got this!

See you soon for a new blog post about all my latest creations and adventures.

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2012-05-31 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.