Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-07-07 in Ramsgate with a italian tutu.

Ramsgate Romp in a Raspberry Tutu! (Post #5848)

Hello, lovelies! It's your favourite tutu-wearing, train-loving, pink-obsessed ballerina, Emma, here, reporting live from the seaside haven of Ramsgate. The sun is shining, the seagulls are squawking (a surprisingly rhythmic sound, you know), and I'm just about to make a splash in a raspberry-coloured tutu that would make even the most serious prima ballerina blush.

But first, a quick catch-up on how I got here, because, let's face it, the journey is half the fun, right? I woke up in my little Derbyshire cottage (where the chickens are clucking, the bees are buzzing, and I dream of pink tutus) and decided on a whim to catch the morning train to Kent. A long, winding, scenic route with stunning views of rolling fields, and enough sheep to fill a tutu shop (maybe I should start a line of "Wool-ly" tutus… hmm).

Of course, no train journey is complete without a ballet warm-up, right? So, perched precariously on my window seat (sorry to the fellow passenger, hope I didn't bump your shoulder with a graceful pirouette!), I worked on some pliés, relevés, and tendus, the rhythmic rocking of the train helping me get my body in motion. Let's be honest, even with the odd disapproving eyebrow from a nearby commuter, it’s a whole lot more entertaining than staring blankly at a screen.

Arriving in Ramsgate felt like stepping into a picture postcard – the cobbled streets, the colourful houses, the bustling harbour filled with boats bobbing like dancers on a stage. I couldn’t resist a quick selfie in front of the iconic Ramsgate clock tower – after all, how else could I document this fantastic, pink-tutu-worthy adventure?

My first stop was, naturally, the local ballet studio. A lovely, sun-drenched space with the most fantastically mismatched ballet shoes adorning the walls - and the kindest teacher, who reminded me of a mischievous pixie in a leotard and tights! (Okay, I'll admit, I did try to convince her to trade me for my raspberry tutu...no luck). We spent an hour pirouetting and perfecting our arabesques, with the salty air flowing through the window adding a whimsical, seaside twist to the classic ballet movements. It’s funny, isn’t it? The way a little change in environment can totally transform your perspective on the familiar, like when a little bit of sea breeze transforms a humble plié into an impromptu seaside performance!

Next up was a walk along the breezy, beautiful seafront. And, naturally, I just had to put on my raspberry tutu, right? I mean, a walk by the ocean, feeling the sand between my toes, and the wind tousling my hair… what’s a girl to do? Just grab a gelato (always an absolute must!), plant a happy smile on my face, and embrace the ultimate ballerina fantasy. Imagine it, ladies - me in my glorious raspberry tutu, spinning, swirling, and leaping around like a tiny, whimsical ballet-bird, the waves crashing in the background like a majestic symphony. (Maybe just a little dramatic, but you get the idea, right?).

Speaking of birds, I had a little wildlife encounter later. You know I’m a sucker for all things furry and feathered, and Ramsgate didn’t disappoint. A flock of graceful swans descended on the beach near me, their long, elegant necks curving and their feathery wings rippling like delicate tutu fabric. I found myself mirroring their movements – reaching out my arms like graceful wings, tilting my head to watch them as they dipped and danced in the shallows. I felt completely connected to those majestic creatures, like we were two ballet troupes performing an impromptu outdoor spectacle.

In the evening, I was fortunate enough to catch a ballet performance in the beautiful Ramsgate Arts Centre. Now, it might have been a bit of a tight squeeze trying to squeeze my raspberry tutu into the theatre (it did get a bit unintentionally entangled with the chair next to me, sorry about that, stranger!), but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It was a beautiful, moving production with a touch of whimsical drama. The dancers flowed across the stage like butterflies caught in a windstorm, the choreography so elegant and captivating that I nearly forgot about the slightly uncomfortable, yet oh-so-fabulous raspberry tutu. Maybe they could use the piece as inspiration for a new ballet, hmm…?

So, there you have it, my darling dancers! A day in Ramsgate, brimming with sea air, seaside romance, ballet inspiration, and the best raspberry-coloured tutu a girl could ask for. Oh, and let’s not forget the wildlife - my little swan performance was definitely a highlight!

Before I go, remember - pink tutus are not just for ballerinas! Embrace your inner dance, even if it’s just a little twirl in the living room. Spread the pink-tutu love, my friends!

Until tomorrow, happy twirling,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2012-07-07 in Ramsgate with a italian tutu.