
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-07-20 in Airdrie with a pancake tutu.

Airdrie Adventures: Pancake Tutu & Pretty Pink Parades!

#5861 www.pink-tutu.com

Oh my darlings! This week has been positively enchanting! After a whirlwind tour of Londonā€™s theatreland (don't worry, youā€™ll hear all about that soon, with pics, of course!), I packed my trusty suitcase (the one with all the pink sequins!) and hopped on a train toā€¦wait for itā€¦Airdrie!

Yes, you heard right! This Derbyshire girl is on a mission to sprinkle a bit of pink tutu magic everywhere, and Scotland was calling! The journey by train was fabulously scenic ā€“ passing rolling hills, quaint villages, and sheep galore! Youā€™d be amazed how much the sheep loved the little pink tulle Iā€™d fashioned into a headband (my head, not the sheep, though it did inspire a little pink tail-wag!).

Airdrie was like a fairytale waiting to happen! It's one of those charming Scottish towns where the streets are cobbled, the buildings are ancient and full of character, and the people are friendly beyond belief! The first thing I spotted, of course, was the local bakery, where they have the most amazingā€¦wait for itā€¦PANCAKE TUTUS! I mean, seriously, what could be more perfect? Fluffy pancakes, piled high with sweet berries and whipped cream, all topped with a cloud of delicious pink sugar ā€“ itā€™s like a ballet dancer's dream dessert!

That's where the inspiration for today's look hit! It was a mix of sweet and sassy, my darlings. Iā€™ve worn the pancakey, tiered look before, but this was a dream, especially as I was headed to the beautiful Airdrie Public Park. The air was so clean and fresh, and the whole place had this enchanting vibe that made me want to twirl! So twirl I did! In fact, it became my "pink-tutu promenade" and I was a whirlwind of pink and twirls as I made my way to the stunning Baird's Hill which has an incredible view. I'll be posting the pics soon so you can see my twirling glory for yourselves!

Oh, and speaking of glory, the whole town was just dripping with amazing floral displays! You know how I feel about florals, my loves, and these ones were literally popping with colours that were just screaming for a ballerina photoshoot! So I donned my brightest, pinkest floral tutu and posed amongst the blossoms, getting ready to dance under the sunshine!

I mean, letā€™s be honest, every town is perfect for ballet, but this one seemed to embrace the fairytale aspect more! You know how I love finding local treasures in every city or town I visit ā€“ especially ballet related, obviously! ā€“ and this place really delivered. It was like stumbling upon a hidden ballet secret! Not just the usual studio in a backstreet somewhere either. Iā€™m talking the whole experience: the scent of blooming flowers, a whisper of ancient history from the nearby museum, and a chance encounter with the most friendly and talented ballet students in the local community center, where the classes were a beautiful blend of grace and dedication, all radiating a contagious love for the art!

I did a quick improv session with them (and you'd never guess I'd just had a huge stack of pancakes) and it felt magical. That moment made me feel so happy; these were the kinds of things I hope my ā€œPink Tutu Projectā€ brings about. Imagine, darling, everyone finding joy and community through ballet, and the world becoming just a little bit more colourful and graceful. sigh What a dream!

But I digressā€¦ My day wasnā€™t just ballet and sweet treats, you know! My little adventure included a wild, free afternoon of adventure exploring a small woodland that I found through a map (yes, the actual paper type, how quaint!) Now, you all know about my love for nature, and let me tell you, Airdrie is not lacking! This woodland was a total wonderland with streams, lush trees, and even a mischievous little fox darting through the leaves (don't worry, I didn't get bitten).

In my little woodland adventures, I even managed to squeeze in some yoga - of course! This beautiful meadow bathed in the golden evening sun seemed to be the perfect spot to do my usual routine, and the peace and quiet helped me recharge my batteries. By this time Iā€™d had my own miniature woodland picnic, and all the yummy, healthy treats I'd packed from the deli made my heart flutter with happiness (not as much as the pancakes did, thoughā€¦).

And then it was time for the piĆØce de rĆ©sistance! The absolute highlight of my Airdrie tripā€¦ the majestic Scottish Highlands! And yes, that meant horse riding, darlings! Oh, the sheer joy! To feel the wind in your hair and the earth beneath your boots is truly exhilarating! And who wouldn't want to ride through stunning landscapes like these?

But even amidst all this fun and beauty, the day ended as it always should - with a lovely hot bath, a cup of chamomile tea, and a good old-fashioned ballet movie marathon (gotta keep those pointe shoes sharp).

This town is a hidden gem, my dears, filled with warm hearts, inspiring beauty, and endless possibilities! The perfect spot to explore, dance, and soak up the wonders of this world. So remember, you never know where a pink tutu will take you! Keep twirling, keep believing, and keep those spirits soaring high, my darlings!

Until next time,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2012-07-20 in Airdrie with a pancake tutu.