
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-09-22 in Wellington with a food themed tutu.

Wellington Wanderings: Food For Thought (and Tutu!)

Post #5925

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Wellington, New Zealand. I know what you're thinking - "Wellington, Emma? Why there? It's all wind and sheep, isn't it?" But you see, Wellington has so much to offer, and believe me, I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

I took the train down, of course, and boy oh boy, those New Zealand landscapes! Lush, rolling green hills and crystal clear blue lakes, it's just begging for a horse riding adventure! (My dream is to gallop through those fields in a pink tutu, of course, just you wait...)

I arrived in Wellington feeling peckish, and you know me, I can't resist a bit of foodie exploration, even if it means ditching my usual ballet footwear and slipping into a pair of comfy shoes (although I did have a gorgeous pair of pink ballerina pumps, very chic for a city setting, I just wanted something a bit more practical for a day of grazing!)

Wellington is a real foodie's paradise! From the chic cafes spilling over with decadent pastries to the buzzing restaurants showcasing New Zealand's bounty of fresh seafood, it's a feast for the senses. I treated myself to a delectable plate of fish and chips on the harbour front - the sea air really does work wonders, especially when you can watch playful seabirds and fat seals lazing about on the rocks.

Naturally, no trip would be complete without a bit of tutu action. Wellington's a surprisingly lively place for ballet. They've got the New Zealand School of Dance, who put on fabulous shows (and their performances are surprisingly affordable! What a treat!). And even better, they hold a brilliant Ballet Festival! It was a real treat to see the talented dancers grace the stage, their energy palpable as they flung themselves through the air in magnificent leaps and pirouettes.

You know I can't resist a bit of inspiration for my own performances, so I had to join a couple of classes. It was fantastic, and everyone was so welcoming, especially to a tutu-clad gal from Derbyshire! They embraced my style of "pinkified" ballet. Imagine the smiles on their faces as I sashayed my way through "Swan Lake" in a glorious candy pink tulle skirt!

I love that even in faraway places like Wellington, there's such an openness to all things pink and twirly. My little mission to make the world pink tutu-clad is going wonderfully! We're spreading the joy and energy of dance and twirling to every corner of the world! It's about embracing the inner dancer within all of us and seeing beauty and strength in each movement, and sharing the joy and passion that only ballet can bring.

But, oh darling, it's not all ballet and pastries! I even got to get my wildlife fix! Wellington's a real hub for endangered native wildlife. The Zealandia Ecosanctuary is absolutely fantastic. They've managed to recreate a wild New Zealand landscape complete with the iconic kaka birds - who knew they had such hilarious personalities? I loved the mischievous way they flitted between trees. It was pure joy to see these majestic birds, and you can tell their rescuers love them just as much as I did! Theyโ€™re putting a real effort into getting those populations back up, and it's heartening to see their commitment to saving these special creatures.

So, darling, that's a taste of my Wellington adventures. It was a wonderful blend of delicious food, magnificent dance, and awe-inspiring wildlife. And as always, a generous helping of pink, and of course, a tutu or two (or three!).

Whatโ€™s on your list of travel adventures? Have you fallen in love with a city unexpectedly? Or stumbled upon a surprising new favourite food? I want to hear all about it, darling! Don't forget to share your stories with me in the comments below.

And remember, always, always believe in the power of pink tutus to make the world a brighter, twirlier place!

Much love, Emma xxx

P.S. Be sure to pop by my website www.pink-tutu.com every day for new adventures in pink and ballet! And, as always, I'm dying to see your pink tutu moments, so please tag me on Instagram with #pinktutu and #balletforall!

#TutuBlog 2012-09-22 in Wellington with a food themed tutu.