Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-11-28 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath Calling! Tutu Time in the City of Romance

Post #5992, www.pink-tutu.com

Helloooo darlings! It's Emma, your resident tutu enthusiast, reporting live from the glorious city of Bath! Oh my, this place is absolutely breathtaking! You know I love a bit of old-world charm and history, and Bath certainly delivers on that front. And it doesn't hurt that it's also super fashionable! Imagine a place where stunning Georgian architecture meets the quaint charm of cobblestone streets – that's Bath in a nutshell, my loves.

The journey down from Derbyshire was pure bliss. My mum drove me down to the station and I managed to snag a window seat on the train. It's all about the details, you see. So I could indulge in a bit of "window gazing," as I like to call it. Watching the English countryside unfold in its autumn glory was quite simply enchanting. And let's be honest, it beats those stuffy airport queues hands down, doesn't it?

Once I arrived at the station, I did the only sensible thing: grabbed a delicious, buttery croissant (don't judge!) from the cafe, and then hopped onto a beautiful vintage double-decker bus to head straight to the city centre. Now, you might think I was going to jump straight into a fancy afternoon tea or something, but not Emma, darling! I'm a creature of habit, and you know what my favourite hobby is? Yes, it's going to a ballet class. So that's precisely where I headed.

This little gem of a ballet school, "The Graceful Steps," is tucked away on a peaceful backstreet, a real hidden gem! It was adorable! Not your typical shiny-floored dance studio, mind you, this one has a quaint little space filled with antique mirrors and dusty old ballet barres that have seen better days. But don’t let that fool you – the energy in there was so uplifting and inspiring. The teacher was an absolute sweetheart and had the most fabulous red hair! It turns out she had just come back from a trip to the Bolshoi Theatre! We chatted all things ballet afterwards.

Talking about ballet, I just had to catch a performance at the Theatre Royal Bath! My friend Emily and I snapped up some fantastic tickets right before the performance - she just loved my bright pink tulle tutu and thought it was the perfect way to see a show. We decided to see a traditional rendition of Swan Lake, a true ballet classic. The costumes were absolutely divine and the choreography just took my breath away. Those swans gliding across the stage were simply mesmerising, and you're right, darling, I did have a few tears in my eyes, a little bit of the drama of ballet always does it for me!

After the performance, we headed to one of Bath's charming little pubs, "The Grapevine," for a warm drink and some delectable snacks. They had the most wonderful homemade soup – tomato and basil! (As you know I am quite the foodie!).

Naturally, no trip to Bath would be complete without visiting the world-famous Roman Baths. Those ancient Roman pools are simply fascinating! Imagine those historical bathers frolicking about in the steamy thermal water, thousands of years ago! I couldn’t help but dream of dancing on the stones with a beautiful silk scarf for a tutu, right there in the baths themselves. What a scene, right?

As you know, dear reader, one of my greatest joys is to see animals. So, we made sure to visit the charming Bath Abbey. Not only for its grandeur but for the colony of cheeky bats who reside there. It’s amazing to watch them swoop and dance above you!

Then, of course, there was a delicious lunch on the Pulteney Bridge. I must tell you all about this bridge, it's simply remarkable! With charming shops lined along both sides, it’s like a little slice of Victorian paradise, except that it's right here in modern Bath! The lunch at the Italian restaurant was so good, especially the pasta! I couldn’t help myself; I bought a gorgeous pastel pink, tulle shawl that was like an elaborate ballet wrap! This is definitely an accessory worth keeping, for future dancing trips, obviously!

Before you go, I must recommend one last stop: the Victoria Art Gallery. You have no idea how much this place delights me. Full of stunning landscapes and historic portraits, but the highlight was a stunning exhibition of costumes. One particularly elegant Victorian dress with frills and embellishments made me think of a tutu, except for its intricate and regal details, I must admit. I was so inspired by the display of colour and detail in these incredible pieces that I spent ages there, planning future outfit and dance themes for upcoming ballet performances.

Well, my darling friends, that’s all from Bath, for now! I just wanted to thank you all for coming on this magical trip with me. The warmth and beauty of this city were a true balm for my soul! You know what’s coming next though: it’s time to plan for my next adventure! So watch out for my next blog! Don't forget to head over to my blog and let me know what you think of my trip. You can leave your comment at www.pink-tutu.com !

See you on my next blog, my darling lovelies! Don’t forget, wear a pink tutu if you can and get yourself to ballet class, or a show, or a theatre production, soon! Until next time, dance beautifully!

#TutuBlog 2012-11-28 in Bath with a narrow tutu.