
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-12-02 in Hastings with a feather tutu.

Hastings, Darling!

(Post #5996 - www.pink-tutu.com)

Oh, hello there lovelies! Emma here, reporting live from the gorgeous seaside town of Hastings! Did I tell you that Iā€™m absolutely in love with seaside towns? The salty air, the squawking gulls, the smell of fish and chips, and, of course, the gorgeous, expansive beachā€¦ what more could a girl ask for?

Now, letā€™s talk about the journey. I took the train, naturally, because a good old-fashioned train journey is a total treat. Just picture this: a lovely window seat, a good book (currently reading ā€œJane Eyreā€ for the thousandth time - that classic romance never gets old), and of course, a delicious strawberry Ć©clair and a cheeky pink cappuccino. Don't judge me - you know a girl needs a bit of a sweet treat, even when she's trying to stay slender for that lovely swan pose.

Anyway, Hastings, you gorgeous beast. The minute I arrived, it was as if a magic spell had been cast on me. I'd booked into the most adorable little guest house called "The Mermaid's Dream." It had a dainty rose garden overflowing with pink roses (did I mention my obsession with pink? Well, I can't help it - it's the colour of tutus and fairy dust!), and the room was all frills and lace, with a chandelier that looked like a fairy princess had accidentally thrown it up there. I think the fairy dust even got on me, because I found myself twirling and twirling, just like a little ballerinaā€¦

Speaking of twirling, my absolute favourite thing to do is to try a new class every town I visit. You see, my secret dream is to get everyone to try ballet. It's the most beautiful, graceful, and joyful form of movement you could ever imagine. This time, it was ā€œBallet Barre in the Beachā€. What a delightful way to start the day, watching the sun rise over the sea while stretching out your muscles with the salty air blowing in your hair! It's truly magical.

Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didnā€™t pack my most stunning tutu. Today, I was going for a vintage look, so it was a beautiful, feathery number in a soft blush pink - imagine a cotton candy cloud in tutu form. And believe me, I twirled my heart out on that beach, making everyone laugh (including myself, I canā€™t deny I did a little silly jig or two).

After all the twirling, I decided to have a proper Hastings adventure. You know, seaside adventures always bring back childhood memories. My childhood was in Derbyshire, remember, which has stunning green hills and wild landscapes - a complete contrast to Hastings' charming coast! So, I wandered around the historic old town with its crooked cobbled streets, peeked into quaint little tea rooms filled with tempting cakes (one scone later!), and finally made my way to the iconic Hastings pier. The view from the pier is absolutely breathtaking, I felt like a seagull soaring high above the waves!

Of course, no trip to Hastings would be complete without visiting the ā€œHastings Contemporary Art Gallery.ā€ They have an interesting exhibition going on at the moment that pays homage to ā€œart on the streetsā€. Now, don't get me wrong, ballet IS my passion, and ballet street is truly where it belongs - under the spotlights, on stage, the perfect blend of graceful movements and dazzling spectacle. However, Iā€™m open-minded about any form of art and find this whole concept of ā€œstreet artā€ rather fascinating. Especially because they are celebrating street performers too! I really wanted to give the street art performance scene a go myself and add a touch of ballet twirling - just imagine, a street performer with a pink tutu. That would definitely add a touch of magic!

And while weā€™re on the topic of ā€œstreetā€, did I tell you Iā€™ve always wanted a horse? It's the epitome of freedom, elegance, and grace. One day, when my pockets are full of glitter and dreams, Iā€™ll finally buy one! But for now, I have my very own fluffy little horse, ā€œSnowdropā€. Donā€™t worry, Snowdrop doesnā€™t need to be trained; heā€™s a gorgeous white fluffball with eyes like shiny buttons and I carry him around with me in a lovely pink velvet purse. I think you could even say that my little fluffy horse is my mascot.

By the way, while in Hastings, I went to this really fantastic ā€œHastings Sea Life Sanctuaryā€. It was a magical place filled with marine creatures. You see, another little secret is that I have an obsession with dolphins and seals! I could watch them swim for hours! Their movements are just as graceful and hypnotic as a ballerinaā€™s. I could totally see the connection, right?

Well, my darlings, the day is fading fast. As the sun sets over the ocean, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange (and pink again!), I think it's time to find my little fluffball, Snowdrop, snuggle down in my pretty bed with my favourite ā€œJane Eyreā€ book, and dream of ballet tutus, seagulls, dolphins and pink horses... and a few more pink Ć©clairs just for good measure!

Iā€™ll be back soon with another exciting adventure! Until then, keep those pink tutus at the ready, darling!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog on www.pink-tutu.com for your daily dose of pink and ballet bliss! Iā€™d love to hear what you're up to, too!

#TutuBlog 2012-12-02 in Hastings with a feather tutu.