Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-12-07 in Fulham with a random tutu.

Fulham, You Fancy! - #TutuBlog Post 6001

Oh my gosh, darling, can you believe it?! It’s Friday, the sun’s shining (well, it’s trying its best, anyway – this London weather can be a right fickle friend) and I’m in the fabulous Fulham, wearing a tutu that wouldn’t look out of place in a fairytale! You wouldn’t believe the amazing adventure I had today.

Remember those fabulous antique shops down Kensington Church Street? Well, imagine my utter delight when I stumbled upon the most incredible tutu in a shop overflowing with beautiful, whimsical treasures. It’s a stunning confection of softest pink chiffon and layers of tulle, trimmed with a touch of delicate embroidery – oh, and it has the cutest little bow perched right on the front! I practically danced my way out of that shop. I knew I had to show it off, and what better place than Fulham?

A Train Ride and a Fairytale Stroll

I love the romantic atmosphere of Fulham. All those pretty, pastel-coloured houses with their flower-filled window boxes and gorgeous wrought-iron gates make me feel like I'm in a Jane Austen novel. I mean, is there anything more enchanting than a sunny day spent wandering through picturesque streets?

And to get here, darling, I rode the most delightful train. Picture this: a vintage carriage with plush velvet seats and windows that framed the countryside in a picture postcard scene. I settled into a corner, let my gaze drift to the fields rushing past, and dreamt of ballerinas twirling beneath the open sky, their tutus fluttering in the breeze. Swoon!

A Walk Through Nature

Once I reached Fulham, I simply couldn’t resist taking a stroll through Bishop’s Park. You know, I love all things nature – squirrels scampering through trees, swans gliding across lakes, ducks quacking, butterflies fluttering. Nature gives me so much inspiration! The calm stillness of the water and the lush green trees just scream, "ballet!" to me, making me think about choreographies for graceful movements in a setting of dappled sunlight.

Speaking of inspiring moments, let me tell you about the cutest encounter I had in the park. I was enjoying my coffee and gazing out at the water when a little family of swans came gliding by. There were parents and three adorable cygnets, so full of life and curious about the world around them. It was the perfect fairytale scene. My ballet heart melted; it’s a constant reminder of the beauty and grace that is everywhere if we just look around!

Afternoon Tea in a Pink Dream

No visit to Fulham is complete without a proper afternoon tea, wouldn't you agree? And so, I ventured into this lovely little tearoom with charming floral wallpaper and wicker chairs. As I savoured the taste of delicate cucumber sandwiches and scones with clotted cream, I noticed this delightful couple dancing at a nearby table – waltzing, in fact! It made me wish I could spontaneously start pirouette-ing right then and there in my pink tutu. (I can just imagine the smiles on their faces.) I wouldn’t say that London is known for being the most romantic city on the planet, but there were definitely sparks flying in this corner of Fulham that afternoon.

A Splash of Ballet

Oh, and my darlings, I couldn't resist the urge to get into the pink tutu and do a little twirl in front of the Chelsea Harbour, wouldn't you? This glorious building, all glass and steel and right next to the Thames, was a perfect setting for a ballet pose or two. After all, it's not everyday you wear a tutu while enjoying such magnificent architecture! I simply had to share this moment of pure joy and capture it with a few snaps for all of you.

A Call to Pink Tutu Action!

This whole day was a delightful reminder of the magic we can find when we embrace our playful side and dare to express ourselves. And, darlings, this day has brought me a brand new idea. Remember that pink tutu you see me wearing today? Well, I’ve decided I’m going to wear a pink tutu every day for a week and try to inspire everyone I meet to do the same. Yes, a pink tutu for everyone, a week of pink, ballet-inspired joy and fabulousness. Let’s bring a bit of magic to the world, one pink tutu at a time!

Don't forget, my lovely followers, share your pink tutu stories on Instagram! Make sure you tag me in your posts. I'd love to see what fabulous moments you create. Let's make the world a little more ballet and pink!

Until next time, darlings,

Emma xxx

* www.pink-tutu.com *

P.S. Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel! I just uploaded a fun new video about how to find the perfect tutu for your personality!

#TutuBlog 2012-12-07 in Fulham with a random tutu.