Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-05-02 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.

Bexleyheath Bound: A Food-tastic Tutu Adventure!

Hello my darling dancers, it's Emma here, and today I'm bringing you a whirlwind adventure to Bexleyheath, a charming town just south of the river. I am currently on post number 6147 (who knew?!) on my fabulous www.pink-tutu.com website. Don’t forget, you can find all my posts here and follow me on Instagram @emmapinktutu.

My lovely Derbyshire accent was definitely on show this week as I boarded a rather splendidly refurbished train (those new carriages with the leather seats are just dreamy!). My day started with a spot of pre-train yoga and I felt like I could conquer anything in my fluffy pink tutu. Oh, it's the colour of those magnificent sugar plums you see in fancy confectioners' windows, you know, the ones that cost more than a day's bus fare! It was just the perfect attire for my food-tastic mission in Bexleyheath.

As you may or may not know (if you've missed any of my blog posts… I'm sure there are a few), I absolutely adore exploring local cafes and bakeries, especially ones with those tempting, homemade pastries peeking at you from the window. And Bexleyheath, dear reader, is a true hidden gem for a foodie like me.

Upon arrival, I made a bee-line for "The Cake Lady" - oh, the sweet aroma that greeted me at the door! Cakes galore! Each one a work of art. A masterpiece, in my humble opinion! And how could I resist the charming, pink-icing laden, "Raspberry Ripple" - the perfect way to start my afternoon. It’s not often I indulge myself, but Bexleyheath clearly understands me.

You can always trust me for a dose of inspiration. So, while munching on my “Raspberry Ripple,” a vision formed in my head: I shall create my own line of "Emma's Food-tastic Tutu Treats!” Now that’s what I call a winning combination! Pink, yummy and dancing – what more could a girl need?!

Of course, Bexleyheath had more in store than just sweet temptations! I strolled through the cobblestone streets and happened upon the "Bexleyheath Heritage Centre" (more about history on my site soon – and trust me, it’s worth the read). There, amongst old photographs and artefacts, I found myself utterly captivated by a beautifully illustrated poster advertising a local ballet performance! My heart fluttered - oh, how I adore watching a classic ballet performance - with its graceful steps, dazzling costumes, and compelling storytelling. Even a little peek backstage just makes my day. It really gets me in the mood for a little pirouette and arabesque, you know?

This enchanting town clearly held magic, and it just seemed fitting to continue my exploration in a grander fashion. Off I trotted to the stables - I do enjoy the rhythmic clatter of a horse's hooves! I hired a lovely black stallion (just gorgeous – what a graceful animal!). I spent a while admiring the wildlife at the Bexleyheath Wildwood Trust (absolutely incredible, especially if you like owls! Seriously, who doesn't love owls?!), and finally enjoyed the afternoon sunshine with a lovely glass of strawberry lemonade on the lawn overlooking the countryside. Oh, and let me tell you, there’s nothing more majestic than riding on a beautiful black steed whilst wearing your pink tutu and taking in the breathtaking views - just breathtaking!

My Bexleyheath adventure culminated in a trip to the charming Bexleyheath Theatre. They were hosting a "Ballet in the Park" event and you just know I was completely there! The stars seemed to twinkle a bit brighter that night. This town definitely deserves a place on my list of "Favourite Tutu Stops" - oh, the sheer beauty! The air felt electric with the excitement of performance, and as the dancers glided across the stage, I felt the familiar tug at my heart – a love for the art of ballet that transcends any boundary, any time or space. This town really just gets me – all those delicate tutus, the romanticism of the countryside, those incredible cakes… it just feels perfect!

On my journey back home, I found myself pondering the impact of a pink tutu. Imagine, a world where everyone feels empowered to wear a pink tutu, to twirl and dance and embrace the pure joy of movement. My mission is to spread that joy, that confidence, to encourage people to try ballet, to dance their way through life. Maybe Bexleyheath was just a taste, a glimpse of the power of this colour, the freedom of this garment, the exhilaration of this art form. A place where dreams come true, just like a fairy-tale, don't you think?

Until next time, dear dancers, twirl on and make every moment a celebration of your own unique magic. I'll be sharing more of my exciting adventures very soon! Don’t forget to share your favourite tutu stories with me – you know how I love them! Until next time, be free, be fierce, and dance with abandon!

P.S. Be sure to visit Bexleyheath – it's well worth the trip, I promise!

Love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2013-05-02 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.