Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-09-21 in Finchley with a purple tutu.

Finchley: Tutu Adventures and Pink Perfection (Post #6289)

Hey, darlings! It's Emma, your resident tutu enthusiast, here, bringing you another day of pink-tinted joy straight from my diary! Today's adventures have taken me to the delightful neighbourhood of Finchley, North London, where, as you may have guessed, a certain purple tutu stole the show!

Oh, I do love London. It's the most magical city for a girl who loves ballet, don't you think? It's brimming with opportunities for a pirouette here, a grand jetĂ© there, and a delightful dose of backstage drama everywhere you look! Today was particularly lovely because I was on a mission. A mission to inspire, of course! I'm trying, my dears, to convince everyone, every single soul on this planet, to at least try ballet, even if just once. Just one pliĂ©, one graceful chassĂ© across the floor
 you’ll understand the magic that is ballet. And don’t get me started on the tutus. It's a life-changing experience! I believe it so much that, believe it or not, I wear my tutus just about everywhere. Just the other day I had a spot of bother with a cab driver who was convinced I was off to the circus, ha! Imagine being called a "clown" in a full, flowing tutu. Let's just say it gave my chassĂ© across the road a little more pep!

Anyway, Finchley
 now Finchley, as a girl from the lovely Derbyshire countryside, always reminded me of something out of a Jane Austen novel. Those grand, slightly crumbling old houses with their perfectly manicured gardens? Just sigh, it’s almost too pretty for words!

I actually got there on a horse - don't ask, let's just say I'm not quite a seasoned jockey! There's something so liberating about being on horseback, even if I did spend more time admiring the scenery than staying upright! The countryside always feels so fresh, like a blank page, ready to be filled with new adventures!

In Finchley, I headed to the glorious Finchley Central Library. Now, I’m not a girl who usually spends her days in the library, unless of course there's a grand ballet performance happening in the theatre across the street (wink wink). But this library, oh this library! It has the most beautiful glass-roofed atrium you ever did see, just brimming with sunshine! I practically spun in circles - well, let’s be honest, it wasn’t just “practically” I did do some very refined ballet-esque twirls! And what do you know? While I was doing a couple of pas de bourrees through the stacks, a fellow bookworm caught my eye. He actually had a book on ballet! How exciting! You can only imagine the delightful conversation that ensued! He even bought me a beautiful little book of poetry as a thank you. What a perfect, quintessential Finchley moment!

But enough of my love affair with Finchley. Back to the mission, my dears! While we're on the topic of ballet and, well, tutus, I think it's important to speak about what makes my pink-tutu heart go "pitter-patter". It's the magic of the art form, of course! The way it transforms, the sheer, breathtaking beauty! But you know what makes me go weak in the knees? The way it connects us, unites us, binds us with something so simple, yet so profoundly powerful! I love that it encourages us to push our boundaries and find new depths within ourselves, physically, emotionally, and even intellectually. Oh! and not to mention the sheer joy it brings, and how utterly fabulous you feel swirling through a studio in your pink tutu!

Let’s face it, every woman loves a good spin in a tutu, no matter how long it’s been since she had a dance class, even if the only steps she can remember are from Dirty Dancing! And as you know, my dearest tutu enthusiasts, the colour pink and a glorious tutu go together like
well, like champagne and dancing! It’s truly the colour of life! It's happy, it's optimistic, it's energetic! And it looks glorious on everyone!

The world could do with a little more pink and a little more twirling, don’t you think?

So my lovely readers, I urge you, next time you’re at a ballet show, really look. Look at the dedication, the emotion, the passion, and, yes, the beauty. Then close your eyes, take a deep breath, imagine yourself in a tutu, and then do it. Just one spin, just one moment of feeling the grace and power of your body moving freely. That's what I call "Living in pink," and I know you can do it too.

Until next time,

Your dear Emma.

**PS. Don’t forget to check out the latest update at www.pink-tutu.com. You’ll find a little treat there: a special video showcasing my journey from Finchley Central Library to the theatre, courtesy of a little friend with a hoof!

Until next time, dear ones! **

PPS: You can find my gorgeous pink tutu at [link to online retailer, please add one]

#TutuBlog 2013-09-21 in Finchley with a purple tutu.