
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-12-09 in Great Yarmouth with a heavy tutu.

Great Yarmouth - Tutu Travels, Post 6368

Hey there, Tutu Tribe! Emma here, bringing you another dose of pink-tinted, twirling excitement straight from the heart ofā€¦ well, Great Yarmouth this time! I'm so excited to be here, exploring this seaside town and soaking up the festive atmosphere.

Remember how I mentioned a few weeks back about wanting to travel a bit more by train? Well, this trip was a prime example of why it's my favourite mode of transportation! The journey was just so dreamy, passing through quaint countryside dotted with charming little towns. I even managed to snag a window seat (yay for a ballet dancer with a fear of heights!). I was surrounded by a delightful blend of travellers: a chattering group of elderly ladies on their way to a Christmas market, a family huddled together with excited whispers of a seaside adventure, and a young couple clearly lost in their own world (they might be thinking about pink tutus for all I know).

This particular trip was all about escaping the hustle and bustle of city life, though, honestly, sometimes, the city is all about ballet, with all the incredible street performances! And while I do adore London and all its fabulous street-performing talents, this weekend has been all about slowing down and finding my inner tutu-loving ballerina, so to speak. I've been living my best ballerina life in the calm and serenity of this lovely seaside town!

First stop, the seaside, of course! After settling into my quaint B&B, (it even had a pink tablecloth on the breakfast table, like it was just made for me!), I immediately took off to the beach.

Let me tell you, it was truly magical. Iā€™ve always wanted to dance barefoot on the sand. The feeling was divine! The wind carried a sweet scent of the sea, a blend of salt and a light scent of something almost floral. The soft grains of sand were tickling my feet as I twirled in my favorite baby pink tutu, the wind dancing playfully around the layers of tulle. It truly was a ballet dancerā€™s dream ā€“ my very own personal fairytale on the shore.

Oh, and did I mention the seagulls?! These were not your average urban seagulls, oh no! They had their own unique charm. Maybe it was the salty breeze giving them an air of freedom, but they were strutting their stuff like it was the best fashion show on earth! I found myself just laughing, enjoying their theatrical posing, almost like little ballerinas practising their grand jetĆ©s at the waterā€™s edge! I am certain I'm going to include seagulls into my next tutu-themed creation.

Feeling energized by the fresh air and a twirl or two, I felt ready for some exploration. The harbour was an explosion of colourful fishing boats, their painted hulls shimmering like they were adorned with tiny, glistening jewels. I loved that almost every boat seemed to have its own quirky, little personality, a testament to the local artists who transformed their fishing boats into mini, marine art pieces! There was this little bright-yellow boat with the inscription ā€œLove you Sea" which really brought out my inner "romantic tutu dreamer", and this charming, navy blue vessel decorated with a tiny mermaid- shaped sign that read ā€œSea you Soon!ā€. Oh, how I love the sea, its whimsical nature just captures me.

*Next, I couldnā€™t resist a quick trip to the aquarium. * I mean, who doesn't love creatures of the deep? I was delighted to see so many fascinating species, their unique colours and patterns mesmerizing me as they danced around their underwater habitats! As I looked into the clear blue tank filled with iridescent jellyfish, a thought occurred to me: maybe someday, I could incorporate some jellyfish into one of my future tutus? It would have such an amazing ethereal effect. Perhaps for an underwater-themed ballet show!

Then, of course, came the fun of finding the perfect tutu! How could I visit this quintessentially English seaside town without bringing a little bit of Great Yarmouth home? I was fortunate enough to stumble across a delightful shop bursting with adorable frilly tutus. It was just what a tutu-obsessed ballerina like me needed.

Now, this one, let me tell you, itā€™s going to be a prized addition to my collection! Itā€™s a bright, almost-neon pink, shimmering with golden sequins that catch the light just like the glittering waters of the North Sea. A beautiful dance of colour and sparkle!

This was only my first day, but I knew already that my trip to Great Yarmouth would be an unforgettable experience. After all, the energy of this coastal town is truly electrifying!

I donā€™t want to spoil too much of the fun, but trust me, Great Yarmouth has so much to offer.

The town is overflowing with quirky seaside charm! Itā€™s got that classic English coast feel, but with a modern twist.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll be visiting the iconic Great Yarmouth Beach Gardens, with all their colourful plants and beautifully landscaped walks, perfect for a relaxed morning. After, it's a trip to the beautiful town of Norwich, with its quaint cafes and art galleries. Maybe even a quick detour to the nearby, enchanting Beeston Regis Nature Reserve, perfect for bird-watching. And naturally, my adventures will be accompanied by the occasional twirl or two in a beautiful pink tutu, of course. Because even while on my travels, the dance goes on!

If you are planning a visit, make sure you stop by the beautiful St. Nicholas Church, it truly embodies the timeless beauty of the region and, I hear, has amazing acoustic properties, perfect for singing, maybe I will get some locals to join me in a song, "Youā€™ve Got A Friend in Meā€, I think that's going on my playlist. And for a taste of the authentic local flavour, don't miss the delicious fish and chips.

As for my tutu dreams, I've already got a vision! It'll have the vibrant colour of the harbour's fishing boats, the subtle glitter of the seagulls' wings, the delicate shimmer of the jellyfish, and of course, that magical pink I've come to associate with the seaside.

Now, my dears, this weekend has been pure bliss, I am so glad I made the journey. You may have noticed I havenā€™t spoken of any shows in this post but you will have to wait and see! Next week is going to be big on dance.

Join me, as I share all of the magical moments from my Great Yarmouth escapade! And hey, don't forget to share your pink tutu travel tales too. Keep it classy, keep it twirling, and remember - life's better in a tutu.

Until next time,



#TutuBlog 2013-12-09 in Great Yarmouth with a heavy tutu.