
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-01-21 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.

Dover Dreams: A Fairy Tutu Takes Flight

Post #6411

Hello my darlings! Today is going to be a rather special one, so I'm bubbling over with excitement, just like the champagne bubbles that were fizzing in my glass last night! πŸ˜‰

You see, I'm on an adventure. An adventure in the most magical place, Dover. A journey not in the carriage of a pumpkin but on a steam engine, puffing along with the gentle hum of steam. Oh, I adore the way it makes me feel so elegant and nostalgic all at once. It's a throwback to another time, another world, just like stepping onto a stage in a sparkling, swirling tutu!

Speaking of tutus, my lovely little darlings, today is about a special tutu, one that truly feels like a fairy dream! I'm wearing a tutu that looks like it was pulled straight from a storybook - soft pink, swirling, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, like dewdrops shimmering in the morning sun. It's simply exquisite, making me feel like the leading lady in my very own fairy tale ballet.

And this trip isn't just a trip for me, it's a trip for my dear blog! It's an exploration of how a fairytale tutu can take flight in a real world, full of vibrant colour and stories waiting to unfold. The sea air whips at my face as the train pulls into Dover Priory, and it feels like a scene straight out of a book! This town has such a whimsical vibe. Just the mention of "Dover" conjures up images of chalk cliffs, roaring seas, and secret nooks in the charming streets.

Dover feels as though it was pulled from a storybook! I could easily imagine a white rabbit scampering past me or a mermaid splashing in the harbour waters, and you know me - I'm all for a good story! Just like my tutus, the colours are bursting, full of rich tones and bright accents - a rainbow that just whispers "fairy tale" to my soul!

And let me tell you, the place is truly a magical blend of ancient history and modern energy. Dover Castle, with its proud silhouette, looks as if it's straight out of a historical drama, a knight in shining armour ready to defend it with sword and shield! You can almost feel the energy of the past as you stand on those ancient ramparts, it feels as though you could reach out and touch it!

Dover is full of life too! I saw children laughing and chasing the pigeons on the cobblestones, fishermen hauling in their catches at the harbour, and the salty breeze carrying the scent of adventure.

Dover is, in its own way, an exciting dance on its own! It’s the kind of place that whispers, β€œCome, explore, be inspired, let the sea breezes take you away on your own little journey.” Just like putting on a gorgeous tutu - it lifts you up, fills you with spirit, makes you ready to take on the world.

Of course, no adventure in Dover would be complete without a touch of dance. A sprinkle of "Swan Lake" to add some graceful magic to the journey. I have a special secret to share with you all: in Dover, I’m heading for a lovely ballet class this evening! They have the most adorable studio, just around the corner from a gorgeous antique shop that reminded me of a time when ballerinas were treated like the royalty they were!

Later this afternoon, I'll be attending the local Dover Theatre production of "Cinderella", where they are incorporating ballet elements to the dancing scenes. How utterly exciting, don't you think? Oh, it will be fabulous! I just love when the world of dance makes its way onto the big stage and shines its magical light on everyone!

Before I tell you all about my theatrical escapades, I want to talk about one of my other little passions - the wonder of nature. There is a beautiful wildflower reserve on the clifftop near the port called Dover Cliffs Nature Reserve. They say you can spot butterflies fluttering around, along with rabbits that hop playfully about. A ballerina in her natural habitat! πŸ˜‰

I'm all set to explore it! It is in such contrast to the charming Victorian streets of Dover, with their hidden cafes and quirky little shops. A reminder that true beauty lies not only in the world of human creation but in the quiet beauty of nature too! It’s like wearing a fluffy, feathered tutu and a pretty dress - they both compliment and showcase each other's best qualities, don't they?

I'm also eager to visit the nearby white cliffs and stand atop them, letting the cool, crisp air whisper stories of the past. They truly are magnificent and a wonder of the natural world. I can't help but think they look like graceful dancers, their white beauty reaching up towards the sky, their jagged edges like an unfinished but perfectly sculpted ballerina costume.

Later this evening, I’ll be meeting my friend Charlotte, a wonderful fellow dancer I met on a trip to Cornwall (another magical seaside haven!). Charlotte just happens to be an absolute expert on Dover. She says there's a lovely traditional tearoom close to the theatre that makes the most divine cream tea. I simply cannot wait for this - it will be the perfect way to celebrate the evening, all fuelled by sugar and beautiful fairy tale memories.

Do you know what, my lovely darlings? I really do love my little tutu so much, I may just bring it to Charlotte's garden to twirl around under the starlight! After all, this adventure in Dover is about sharing that joyful feeling of a graceful tutu - spreading a bit of the magical pixie dust to the world!

I just have one little thought, my sweet little ones...do you have a special place in your heart - like your own little "Dover" - where your heart feels like it's ready to take flight? Where the joy bubbles to the surface and you can simply embrace life in a wonderful dance of delight?

Maybe, you have a particular outfit that brings a special spark to your day - just like my beautiful pink tutu!

Until tomorrow, my little dancing darlings! And never forget to make your dreams soar, and don't ever forget to spread a bit of pixie dust wherever you go. You are beautiful. You are magic. You are meant to dance!

Until we meet again,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2014-01-21 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.