
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-02-07 in Ashington with a random tutu.

Ashington Adventures: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! ๐Ÿฉฐ

Post 6428

Oh, hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger Emma here, reporting live from the charming town of Ashington! Now, I know what you're thinking: Ashington? What's in Ashington? Well, let me tell you, this little corner of Northumberland has got more than its fair share of charm and, let's be honest, a fantastic vintage shop just waiting to be plundered for its tutu treasures. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The Journey

I know you guys love hearing about my travel escapades, so this time, I took the train! I can't resist the romance of a good old steam train journey, especially with a big fluffy tutu perched precariously on my lap. You just know every time I hit the carriage doors, a troupe of fairies descends from the clouds to whisper tales of adventure in my ear. It was an absolutely glorious journey, watching the English countryside whizz past the window. Did I mention the weather was gorgeous - that bright blue sky with fluffy clouds you only see when you're escaping from the humdrum of everyday life!

Ashington Awaits

The moment I stepped out onto the station platform in Ashington, the air crackled with a special energy! The crispness of the Northumbrian air mixed with the gentle, welcoming warmth of the locals...it was simply divine. And of course, I wasn't leaving my trusty pink tutu behind, because you simply can't wander through a new town without a little twirl-tastic flair!

Tutu Hunting

The real highlight of my Ashington adventure? The fantastic vintage shop! It was absolutely stuffed with gems - everything from 50s petticoats to glorious feather boas that could have come straight out of a Fellini film. And of course, the absolute highlight for this tutu-obsessed blogger: a vintage tulle masterpiece in a glorious shade of lilac. I knew in my heart it was destined to be mine! This treasure is definitely going to feature in my next performance video - get ready for some seriously twirly, fluffy goodness!

Wildlife Wonderland

I just couldn't leave Ashington without venturing into the wild! And you know, you'd be surprised what you find lurking in the countryside. I spied some curious little brown rabbits hopping about in the meadows, and even spotted a stately red fox lurking near the old mill pond. Of course, it's always best to admire wildlife from afar - my tutu-loving heart isn't quite equipped for tackling a grumpy fox!

A Spot of Tea and Culture

You can't travel through England without stopping for a proper afternoon tea, right? Well, my journey led me to the quaintest little tearoom called The Lavender Cup. They had all the traditional delights: scones, jam, cream, and of course, endless cups of fragrant, milky tea. My favourite part was their selection of dainty finger sandwiches, a perfect ballet-themed treat for my post-tutu adventures.

Time for a Ballet Masterclass!

Of course, no journey is complete without a touch of ballet magic! I found a delightful dance studio in the heart of town offering drop-in classes. The energy in the studio was electrifying! We were a small group of fellow dance enthusiasts, all eager to lose ourselves in the grace and elegance of movement. It was a joy to move with others, sharing in the magic of ballet! The teacher, a young woman named Charlotte, was an absolute dream to learn from - so passionate, encouraging and patient. We all had a good giggle during a particularly challenging sequence, because that's what dance is all about - joy and camaraderie.

Ashington's Charm

This charming little town truly stole my heart! From its charming shops and vibrant community to its welcoming atmosphere and hidden wildlife, I simply loved every minute. And don't forget, the most magical part of my visit? Finding that stunning vintage tutu that will surely take centre stage in my next performance video. So, remember, my darlings, wherever life takes you, take that extra step, embrace the unexpected, and always, always, wear your heart on your sleeve...and maybe even a little bit of pink tulle too! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stay tuned for my next adventure...you won't want to miss it!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my website www.pink-tutu.com for all my latest updates, photos and behind-the-scenes insights! I post daily, so you never miss a moment of my twirly, vibrant, pink tutu world!

#TutuBlog 2014-02-07 in Ashington with a random tutu.