Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-03-02 in London with a pink tutu.

London Calling! Pink Tutu & Big City Dreams (Post #6451)

Hello my lovely tutu-twirling darlings!

Emma here, back from another whirlwind trip - this time to the vibrant capital of London! You know I simply adore a good train journey, and this one was no exception. The countryside whizzing by, my trusty pink tutu nestled beside me (because, duh, a girl’s gotta have her fashion essentials even on the go!), and a steaming cuppa in my hands - pure bliss!

Now, London is a place that's simply buzzing with life! I couldn’t resist donning my most fabulous pink tutu for this city trip - it felt like a proper fairytale landing in this gorgeous city. You know how much I love a good tutu twirl, and London just seemed to demand a spin or two!

The first thing on my list? The Royal Opera House! I simply had to experience the majesty of a ballet performance in this iconic venue. You’ve no idea how giddy I was sitting in the stalls, soaking in the elegant atmosphere and the sheer talent on stage. Every pirouette, every arabesque, every pas de deux - simply mesmerising!

And what do you think I found in the gift shop, nestled amidst the classical music scores and ballet books? That’s right, my loves - a teeny tiny pink tutu! This time for a porcelain ballerina figurine! How could I resist bringing it back for my collection?!

After the show, I knew the perfect way to stretch my legs: a good walk through Hyde Park. The weather was a little bit chilly but it didn't dampen my spirits at all! I love the feeling of the crisp air on my face and the sunshine dappling through the trees. And as I strolled, it was a beautiful moment for some reflection on the day's magical experiences.

Oh, speaking of reflections - London is famous for its mirror reflections too, isn’t it? My dear pink tutu simply HAD to have a photoshoot with all those incredible sights: Big Ben towering over us, the London Eye in all its glory, and the iconic red double-decker bus – she really made a splash! I managed to snap a few pics with my little phone – will share those with you on Instagram, so keep your eyes peeled, my dears!

And of course, what’s a visit to London without a good dose of ballet? I took a class in the heart of Covent Garden, feeling all those happy vibes of ballet street. This city truly understands the graceful rhythm of dance, and I soaked up every second of it! From pliés to grand jetés, we moved in unison, feeling that pure connection to the art of dance that I adore. It truly felt like I was in the heart of it all - ballet's magic bursting at the seams in every turn and every leap!

One evening I had a truly remarkable encounter! After a long day, I went to this quirky cafe tucked away in Notting Hill for a quick bite and a chat with some lovely ballet dancers from the local company. Guess what?! The cafe had a giant, gorgeous pink tutu on display! Not just any tutu either, but a giant one made from recycled plastic bottles. It truly was a wonderful testament to sustainable fashion.

We ended up talking about how inspiring it was to see this big pink tutu proudly on display, a symbol of environmental awareness and creativity, just as much as it was a statement piece in itself. Honestly, sometimes I feel like that’s my motto too: I want to be creative, bring beauty and awareness wherever I go - but all with a huge dose of pink!

But enough about my London escapades for now! I know you're all waiting for the grand reveal, the thing you've all been waiting for, the most important reason for this entire trip…

I had an audience with a REAL princess, you guys! That’s right, I went to Kensington Palace to meet a lovely princess! insert squeals of excitement here I felt like I was living out my wildest dreams! We talked about everything and anything, about the importance of supporting ballet schools and how to inspire more people to dance. And yes, we discussed pink tutus, of course! She even confessed to loving the colour pink too - and can you believe it, she’s a big fan of tutus too! dreamy sigh

Honestly, I feel so inspired after meeting this incredible woman - a reminder that we can truly achieve anything we set our minds to! Maybe one day even you will get to wear your own pink tutu and spin through the halls of Kensington Palace - you’ve got to believe, darlings!

This whirlwind of London, it’s got me dreaming about the many places I still haven’t been. There’s so much beauty out there, so many inspiring people waiting to be discovered! So remember, whether you’re travelling by train or by horse, whether you’re a Derbyshire girl at heart or a city slicker at play, you can wear your own pink tutu, embrace the spirit of ballet, and make the world a little more fabulous!

Until next time, my dearest tutu-loving darlings, remember to twirl hard, smile bright, and let the pink tutu spirit guide your way!

Love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2014-03-02 in London with a pink tutu.