Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-03-19 in Northampton with a pancake tutu.

Northampton: Pancakes, Tutu and Train Travels

Post #6468

Oh, hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure. And trust me, this one was particularly... fluffy!

It all began in the heart of Derbyshire, my little haven of rolling hills and horse stables. I woke up feeling the familiar buzz of a new adventure about to unfold, the kind of excitement that only comes when a girl and her pink tutu are ready to take on the world. And this world, my dears, was Northampton.

Now, let’s be honest, Northampton doesn't immediately spring to mind as the capital of tutu-wearing glamour. But with my trusty old steed (let’s just call her Penelope for now – a lovely bay mare, rather elegant for her age, with a mischievous glint in her eye) and a trusty pair of trusty travelling boots, I was on the road in a flash, enjoying the countryside's sweet smells of Spring and that intoxicating whiff of freedom only the open road (and the odd passing horse-drawn cart) can offer.

But hold your horses! My journey to Northampton wasn't a straight dash to the dance studio. No, my lovely lot, it was a whimsical detour involving pancakes! A pancake tutu! It happened so innocently. I stopped for lunch at the quaint little "Rose & Crown" pub, a spot known for their heavenly buttermilk pancakes and oh-my-god-delicious Yorkshire puddings (more on those later, my darling!). Now, when the waiter presented me with my plate of puffy goodness, a thought hit me like a sudden, sweet craving: "Pancakes… tutu…" and the rest, my darlings, was history!

This impromptu, delightful creation involved some strategic draping, careful pinning (always the artist!), and an explosion of pink glitter for good measure. A makeshift tutu created with pancakes. I felt positively… ethereal, whimsical, and, dare I say, a touch pancake-licious. The restaurant’s patrons cheered with delight as I did a little impromptu twirl – truly a memorable performance, I assure you. (And yes, the pancakes tasted even more delicious once worn – pure, edible couture!)

Penelope and I reached Northampton with a skip and a twirl, and the first order of business was a spot of tea at the charming “Little Swan” tearoom – just what a pink tutu-clad ballerina needs to rest and replenish those fluffy pancake tutu feathers (don’t worry, I brought a spare tutu just for the occasion!) There, nestled amidst the porcelain teacups and lavender-scented air, I wrote in my journal and watched the rain patter down outside, a gentle, cleansing rhythm to my creative thoughts.

That afternoon, my beloved, was dedicated to the stage, and not just any stage! Northampton has this exquisite little theater called "The Shoe and Slipper" – aptly named, I tell you, for the entire theater smells of fresh leather, and there’s a collection of vintage shoes behind the counter that would make even a hardened fashion editor drool. A performance of the iconic Swan Lake ballet was on, and with the audience filled with the kind of laughter and cheers I hadn’t experienced since the last Royal Ballet gala, I was practically on a high cloud!

Afterwards, I met up with some fellow ballet enthusiasts. Let’s just say the conversation about “which shoes were more fabulous - the prima ballerina’s or the stage manager’s?” (we’re talking fabulous velvet pumps, dearies, fabulous) could have gone on forever! Oh, the tales! And of course, no ballet experience is complete without a visit to the studio. Northampton boasts a charmingly old, wood-paneled ballet school, a place with such heart and passion it would have made even Mr. Darcy blush (imagine his elegant hand twirling a pink tutu!). I enjoyed a splendid class and found myself longing to step into my satin ballet slippers again.

A quick walk through the charming Market Square – the bustling heartbeat of Northampton – led me to an extraordinary, heart-warming discovery. The “Green & Wild” pet shop, my darlings! Can you believe, this store has the cutest little hedgehogs, miniature piggies, and even a cheeky cockatiel that, upon seeing my pink tutu, serenaded me with a “Tweet tweet” song and a flurry of feather-ruffles – my own tutu-loving companion! I know it might sound peculiar, but those animals, my lovelies, really got to my heart! Perhaps they understood my true desire to bring the joy and wonder of pink tutus to everyone, everywhere!

I rounded off my extraordinary trip with a hearty Yorkshire pudding and gravy – my usual travelling tradition (why complicate perfection?). My last memory of Northampton, my dears, was watching the setting sun paint the clouds in hues of pink, orange and lavender… a truly delightful goodbye, if you ask me!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little glimpse into Northampton, and please, do tell me your travel tales - I'm always keen to hear about your adventures! I'll be back soon, lovelies, with a new adventure to share.

Until then, remember – don’t be afraid to embrace your inner ballet princess and dance your way to a magical new adventure! Don’t forget, a pink tutu isn’t just for a fancy dress party, my dears, it’s for every single occasion… including your everyday pancake breakfast!

Now, off I go to embrace my new love - tutu-ing up those darling little hedgehogs…

Lots of love, Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2014-03-19 in Northampton with a pancake tutu.