
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-03-27 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.

TutuBlog: Post 6476 - Basildon Bound in a Heavier-Than-Usual Tutu!

Hello my lovelies! Itā€™s your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, back with another day of tutu-filled adventures. Today's journey takes me from the rolling hills of Derbyshire, my beloved home, to the exciting heart of Essex, to experience the sheer joy of ballet in Basildon. Now, I know what youā€™re thinking: ā€œBasildon, really? Doesnā€™t sound like a ballet hotspot.ā€ Oh, darling, youā€™d be wrong!

For you see, Iā€™m not just a fan of the classical, the graceful ballet of Swan Lake or the delicate steps of Giselle. Oh no! My heart leaps for the energy of a performance that comes from somewhere unexpected, a story unfolding under a slightly-too-bright stage lighting, the kind of unexpected, raw joy only a local ballet company can give.

Plus, wouldn't you know it, Iā€™ve found the perfect pink tutu to match this adventure! This is no mere chiffon wisp of a ballerina's dream; oh no, this is a heavy-duty tutu, built for adventure, built to brave the train journey to Essex. Layers of fluffy, pink tulle (imagine, pink, imagine!), each layer whispering "you can do it, Emma!ā€ with every rustle as I travel. A tutu made for twirling on station platforms, for gracefully dodging suitcases in the carriages, a tutu ready to face the worldā€¦or at least the world of Basildon.

Speaking of travel, did you know that Iā€™ve recently discovered a passion for trains? There's something magical about those steam engines, a connection to a different time, and the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels against the track makes for a brilliant soundtrack for any ballet dreaming. This morningā€™s journey from Derbyshire was particularly dreamy: sun filtering through the trees, a fluffy grey cloud with a pink streak, just like my tutuā€¦I swear, the universe was conspiring to get me excited for my Basildon ballet experience!

Speaking of pink...letā€™s chat about the joys of the colour, darling! Pink, for me, is about joy and life, and it makes my tutu adventures so much more fun. I just canā€™t resist the happiness it evokes, and honestly, the colour just makes you smile more, wouldnā€™t you say? Imagine the world painted in pinks and oranges and yellows ā€“ how wonderful would that be! And it all starts with a pink tutu, of course! (Let's face it, thereā€™s no better place to start than the colour of your tutu!)

When I arrive at my Basildon ballet school, Iā€™m struck by how perfectly everything comes together. The small stage, bathed in soft lighting, makes it feel intimate and real; the dancers, every one of them, are bubbling with talent and pure joy. Itā€™s everything I hoped it would be: raw, expressive, and passionate. This is the ballet of the people, the everyday stories, brought to life through graceful movement and emotion.

As the curtain rises for a ballet piece, I'm completely immersed. The dancers are swirling, leaping, telling their stories through every subtle move, every flick of a wrist, every gaze across the stage. They are everything a ballet dancer aspires to be: elegant, controlled, powerful. Even though this performance is miles from the world of Covent Garden, the emotion is the same, the artistry, the heart and soul poured into the performance; they are true professionals. I find myself laughing at their silly antics, holding my breath as they gracefully leap, crying as they touch each other with love. This, I realize, is what ballet is all about.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the heart and soul of ballet ā€“ finding its way, growing, flourishing in the most unexpected places.

After the performance, I join the company for tea. Their enthusiasm for ballet, their commitment to sharing the joy of dancing ā€“ I find it truly inspiring. The older dancers (I so adore the graceful ladies of ballet ā€“ age is truly but a number when it comes to elegance and beautiful movement!), are still just as enthusiastic, just as thrilled to talk about dance. These are my kind of people, full of passion and excitement, and the future of dance in Essex, it would seem! Theyā€™re truly proving that anywhere can be a hub for ballet ā€“ with the right spirit, the right dedication and, most importantly, the right tutu.

We chat, I get some expert tutu-wearing advice for this upcoming weekend, I almost break out a little ballet in the corner, and find myself getting very, very excited about a weekend spent immersed in ballet and everything pink (oh, and some of that Basildon cakeā€¦ I have a bit of a sweet toothā€¦).

But all good things must end, so with a fond farewell and a promise to return soon, I climb back onto the train. Essex, you stole my heart today. I just hope that with all these ballet adventures I have, maybe more people will think of wearing tutus every day, that maybe, just maybe, people will see that thereā€™s a ballerina inside everyone waiting to be unleashed. If I can encourage even one more person to try out a class, Iā€™ll be a happy girl!

And so, with a twirl and a final "Goodnight, Basildon," I board the train and wave goodbye.

Itā€™s already time for the next adventure!

See you soon!


P.S. Follow my adventures at www.pink-tutu.com ā€“ thereā€™s something magical around every corner when you wear a pink tutu. Don't be shy, darling, you just have to embrace your inner ballerina!

And do tell me about your adventures, darling. Where have you been wearing your pink tutu?

Until next time!

#TutuBlog 2014-03-27 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.