
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-06-06 in Finchley with a italian tutu.

Finchley: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! (Post #6547)

Hello, my lovelies! It's Emma here, back with another installment of the Pink-Tutu blog. As you know, my darling, I’m all about spreading the pink tutu gospel and promoting ballet in all its magnificent glory! Today's adventure took me on a trip to Finchley, and let me tell you, it was absolutely fab!

Now, you know I’m a bit of a Derbyshire girl at heart, so it was quite a change to head down south for the day. I'm not a creature of habit (although I do love a good routine – ballet class every Wednesday, anyone?), so Finchley was right up my alley. A trip to a new place is like a blank page in my Tutu Diary – just waiting for me to fill it with some exciting stories.

It all started with a whimsical ride on the train, which I always find utterly delightful. My fellow travellers were captivated by my rather magnificent tulle creation, a pink creation with silver sequined accents, a total must-have! Of course, I was sporting a fluffy pink cardigan and matching ballet pumps for the occasion – can’t let my love for the color fade, can I? Everyone in the carriage seemed happy to see the colour pink brightening up their Monday commute!

My mission in Finchley was to see a wonderful dance performance. A small ballet company, Finchley Footwork, was performing a classic – "The Sleeping Beauty," and I was excited! The theatre, although intimate, was beautifully decorated. It felt like a fairy tale. As soon as the music began, I felt a familiar tingle, a sort of magical ballet energy! It was simply captivating.

My favourite scene had to be the grand pas de deux. Oh, how the dancers soared through the air, light as feathers! They told the story of love and sacrifice through their movements, their bodies moving with a beauty that took my breath away. There were even moments when I had to pinch myself – was I actually seeing this magnificent display of artistry right in front of my eyes? Honestly, it was divine! Afterwards, I managed to catch a chat with some of the dancers, who were lovely and inspiring. It made me even more determined to share the magic of ballet with the world!

Of course, no visit to Finchley would be complete without a pitstop for afternoon tea. Oh, how I adore a spot of cucumber sandwiches and a scone with clotted cream. And this place had the best selection of dainty pastries and cakes – even a little pink cupcake for me! What a delightful way to end the day!

You know me, darlings, I can't resist exploring new places – the wilder, the better! So, after my tea, I took a stroll through the leafy green Finchley woods. The sun dappled through the leaves, creating an enchanted atmosphere, the air full of birdsong, the occasional chirping squirrel scampering up a tree, just perfect for daydreaming. It was quite idyllic – I must admit, I nearly stayed longer but thought about the train home. Perhaps I will have to do an impromptu overnight trip at some point – I feel there is much more to explore here.

And guess what? On my journey home, I stumbled upon a ballet class taking place in the train station, of all places! Now, I might not be the most graceful, but it wasn't long before I was joining in on some warm-ups! I simply had to, darling! You see, even though I’ve been a professional ballerina for some time now, my love of ballet class just keeps on going. That feeling of flowing and bending your body with grace, it never gets old.

So, as I settled in for the journey back to Derbyshire, I was brimming with the joys of my Finchley day! I even noticed a lovely lady staring at my tutu with genuine curiosity. So, after getting off the train, I gave her a big smile, and then - because the opportunity presented itself - told her to just "go for it." She took my card and I watched as she turned back with a wide grin. Now, perhaps that was the best part of my day, who knows.

But for sure, I’ve learned one thing: the world is a far more interesting place with a tutu. It's an invitation to adventure, to joy, to beauty, and maybe even to a bit of magic!

I'll be back soon with more stories and adventures from Pink-Tutu. Until next time, remember to stay true to your inner ballerina, and don't be afraid to twirl with joy!

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 2014-06-06 in Finchley with a italian tutu.