
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-06-16 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.

Rochester, My Love! Tutu-ing Through the City (Post #6557)

Hello, lovelies! Emma here, bringing you another pink-tutu-filled adventure straight from the heart ofā€¦drumrollā€¦ Rochester!

Now, Rochester is a place thatā€™s always held a special place in my heart. Thereā€™s just something magical about this little corner of Kent, especially when it comes to its wildlife! My very own pink tutu, it seems, is always in tune with the spirit of a place and I knew right away that it wanted to be here ā€“ the very sight of Rochester Castle and the River Medway is enough to set your inner ballerina soaring!

Speaking of soaring, we canā€™t forget my beloved travel buddy ā€“ the train, my chariot! I simply adore travelling by train ā€“ itā€™s like a glamorous dance floor on wheels. Watching the landscape whiz by makes my heart beat like a rapid sequence of pas de bourrĆ©es! The only downside, if there could be one, is the ever-so-slight train station fashion frenzy ā€“ sometimes I just feel a tad bit too whimsical amongst the plain old trouser crowd, haha. But a girlā€™s gotta embrace her individuality!

Anyway, as soon as I disembarked in Rochester, I felt a flutter of excitement. Oh, and donā€™t even get me started on the scent! The air here is just infused with that quintessentially British mixture of lavender, roses, and maybe even a hint of the river breeze. It just inspires those twirly-whimsical thoughts. I immediately headed to my darling little hotel, which Iā€™d meticulously picked out with a ā€œpink tutu perspectiveā€ (gotta stay true to my brand, donā€™t you know!), and oh my word, the room was delightful ā€“ it felt like a fairy-tale boudoir, complete with dainty vintage furniture and oh-so-lovely lace curtains. The little balcony had a view overlooking the cobblestone streets, just begging to be danced on, and there I was, twirling under a canopy of sunshine and daydreams. It was divine.

Of course, after a quick tutu-check (a ballet girlā€™s gotta make sure she looks picture perfect), I set off for a bit of exploration. Now, I can't tell you how much I loved meandering through the cobbled streets, feeling the rhythm of history beneath my ballerina flats! Every turn revealed a little hidden gem ā€“ a charming tea shop, a tucked-away bookshop overflowing with stories, even a curious antique shop that housed a collection of the most delightful trinkets Iā€™d ever seen. My creative mind went wild imagining the tales those treasures had to tell!

Rochester is an absolute treasure trove for lovers of architecture ā€“ from the imposing majesty of Rochester Castle, all the way to the intricate charm of Rochester Cathedral, there's history breathing life into every corner of the city! I could practically feel the spirit of medieval knights, nuns, and artists weaving around me. As I strolled through the ancient doorways, I couldnā€™t help but let my mind travel back to another era, imagining myself a part of it all.

Speaking of tales, it wouldnā€™t be a ā€œEmma and the Pink Tutuā€ trip without some ballet-related magic! After my castle exploration, I was ready to catch a show, so I decided to make a detour to the theatre! They were performing the ever-so-charming The Nutcracker, which brought back some delightful memories from my days as a young ballerina ā€“ I had once performed as one of the snowflakes, my tutu fluttering and my feet twinkling in the most magical way! Oh, what memories! I am getting a bit wistful now, so back to my tale. This particular production was absolutely beautiful ā€“ the dancing was breathtaking and the costumes were truly stunning. As the ballerinas floated across the stage, I couldnā€™t help but be reminded that thereā€™s simply nothing more magical than seeing those beautiful moves set against the backdrop of a perfectly staged performance.

But, Rochester wasn't all castles, ballet and tea shops ā€“ it was brimming with some amazing natural wonders too. Iā€™m quite partial to a good dose of wildlife, you know, and I just knew that Rochester had a few natural delights in store! I must admit that it's a tad more thrilling when you get to be close to wild creatures than it is during my ballet classes - but they both come with a definite twirl factor! After a short train journey (no fear, I always keep my ballerina shoes ready to slip on for my big exit), I found myself in the heart of The Isle of Grain ā€“ home to the most extraordinary group of birdwatchers! Now, these were serious birdwatching fanatics, with the sharpest eyes I had ever seen. I actually got a chance to learn a few interesting facts, did you know that they can recognise individual bird songs and can differentiate species just by listening to their flight patterns? Truly incredible.

The birdwatching part wasn't even the most extraordinary bit. I went for a stroll, my tulle fluttering like wings in the gentle breeze, to the nearby beach and stumbled upon a small but very spirited family of wild horses galloping freely on the windswept shores! I actually have to admit that the sight of those beautiful creatures running across the beach, the sea spray whipping through their mane, made my heart leap with joy. Oh, the elegance, the freedom, the utter bliss! There is something absolutely magical about being around wild creatures, isnā€™t there?

Speaking of wildness, I know some of you will be surprised when I tell you that, as the sun started its gentle descent and painted the skies with soft hues of pink and lavender (naturally), I was out, in the countryside, embracing a a ā€œrockingā€ new trend. Yep, thatā€™s right! Itā€™s all about the horse riding adventures these days.

My trip to Rochester was a wild ride ā€“ filled with enchanting sights, exciting performances, and beautiful creatures of the earth. I have a strong feeling that Rochester will forever be my go-to spot for tutu-themed escapades ā€“ it just seems to make a perfect backdrop for my daydreams, much like those of a young ballet girl, full of wonder. But hey, the magic never really fades, does it?

Oh, and before I forget, my dear friends, the pink tutu movement continues! Remember to keep your tutus twirling high and your spirits soaring. I am a true believer that ballet is for everyone! So what are you waiting for? Embrace the pink and the twirl ā€“ itā€™s more than just ballet, it's a way of life!

Until next time, keep your tutu-spirit bright!

Much love,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2014-06-16 in Rochester with a nature themed tutu.