Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-09-02 in Airdrie with a pink tutu.

Airdrie Adventures: Pink Tutus and Highland Horses

Post #6635

Hello, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the lovely town of Airdrie, nestled in the heart of Scotland. As you know, I'm all about chasing the twinkle of a tutu wherever it may lead, and this week's adventure took me north of the border, by train of course, all the way to Airdrie.

Let me tell you, the scenery on the journey was spectacular! Lush green fields rolled by, dotted with charming stone houses and fluffy sheep grazing in the sun. It's like something straight out of a fairytale, wouldn't you say?

I must admit, I was a little nervous about stepping into unfamiliar territory, especially since my trusty pink tutu was making its grand debut in the highlands. But I've always said, life's too short for grey, especially when you've got pink at your fingertips!

My first stop in Airdrie was a little hidden gem, tucked away in a quiet cobblestone street – the "Airdrie Theatre Arts." It was absolutely charming! The old stone building oozed character and, just peeking inside, I caught a glimpse of children leaping, twirling, and exploring the joy of dance. There’s nothing more delightful than seeing children, faces lit with pure passion, completely lost in their artistry. It’s exactly why I dream of one day building a little dance academy of my own, filled with laughter, and the scent of fresh leather ballet shoes!

Now, who could possibly resist the allure of a theatrical ballet performance? Of course, I couldn't! So I ventured to the fabulous "Airdrie Town Hall," where a ballet troupe was bringing the classics to life. Their grace was unrivaled. The fluidity of movement, the pure elegance of the costumes, the passion they poured onto the stage – I felt mesmerized. I think they’re working on their next performance of ‘Swan Lake’. Oh, if only I could get back on stage and perform! I can't wait to get my pointe shoes out for the Derbyshire Dance Festival next month.

But you know me, darlings, always eager for an adventure! After the captivating performance, I decided to indulge in the beautiful Scottish countryside. And guess what? I got to ride a majestic horse through the rolling hills! It felt exhilarating, free, wild, like dancing without a stage. The wind in my hair, the rhythmic thud of the horse's hooves against the ground, and a panoramic view of the enchanting Highlands… a true dream come true! I can’t wait to write another post all about my journey with these majestic creatures.

Now, a day filled with ballet and horseback riding definitely deserves a celebration! So I sought out a little café, brimming with charm and warmth. I couldn't resist their delectable carrot cake. I simply love how those little cafés are tucked away in every corner of this country, each one a storybook come to life! There I met two sweet ladies who had absolutely fallen for the colour pink! I gave them some details on the latest tutus and the Pink Tutu website, and the way they brightened at the thought of owning their own pink tulle masterpiece made me smile like a Cheshire cat.

On my way back to the station, I took in the views of the vibrant city of Airdrie. There's so much to explore - a lively arts scene, charming little pubs buzzing with life, and historic castles, silent sentinels of bygone eras. But, dear friends, no journey is complete without capturing a piece of the memory. That’s why I spent some time photographing the stunning beauty of nature around Airdrie. Imagine: wild heather in shades of purple and violet carpeting the hillside, emerald green fields dancing with wild deer, and fluffy sheep frolicking with playful lambs! The breathtaking views really took my breath away.

So, there you have it, darlings – my pink tutu odyssey in Airdrie! I’m truly smitten with this town! The beautiful scenery, friendly locals, and incredible performances really took me on an adventure. The warm Scottish hospitality made my journey so memorable. I just couldn’t resist snagging a few handcrafted Scottish gifts - a lovely kilt pin and a pair of soft wool gloves.

As I'm typing this post, the sound of a train whistle echoes in the distance, a sweet reminder that it’s time to set off on my next big adventure. Wherever I travel next, my pink tutu and I are ready for anything.

So, dear readers, remember: Life’s a stage, and you, my dears, are the stars! Don't be afraid to step out of the spotlight and onto the big, bright stage. Don't be afraid to embrace the pink, to twirl and leap and embrace every moment of this magnificent dance we call life.

Until next time, stay curious, keep dancing, and remember, pink is always the answer!


Emma x

#TutuBlog 2014-09-02 in Airdrie with a pink tutu.