Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-10-01 in Ecclesfield with a fairy themed body.

Ecclesfield: Where Fairies Dance in Pink

#TutuBlog 6664

Hello my gorgeous darlings! 💖

It’s Emma here, back with you again for another daily dose of tutus and twinkling toes!

I’m writing to you from the charming little town of Ecclesfield, nestled amongst the green hills of Yorkshire. You know me, always on the move, and this time, my journey was one of those quintessential English ones - a scenic train ride through rolling countryside, complete with sheep grazing lazily and the most enchanting views you can imagine!

Speaking of enchanting, Ecclesfield is absolutely overflowing with a fairytale spirit. I can’t even explain the sense of magic that washes over you the moment you step into this little town. Think cobbled streets lined with quaint shops, a village green so perfect it seems straight out of a picture book, and… well, prepare yourselves, for the magic truly kicked into gear when I stumbled upon a rather extraordinary little boutique…

*A Tutu Shop? Oh my… *

It’s called “Fairy Fancy” - and it’s every girly-girl’s dream come true! Pink was EVERYWHERE - imagine walls adorned with rose petals, shelves overflowing with sequined ballet shoes and sparkling tiaras, and enough tulle to make a swan lake ballerina blush. I felt like I’d stepped into a fantasy world - a world I’m desperately hoping everyone experiences at some point in their lives!

The lady who runs the shop, Mrs. Finch (who’s honestly a spitting image of an adorable, sprightly grandma - complete with the warmest, kindest smile!), told me she started the shop as a way to spread joy and magic. Her belief is that everyone deserves to feel a little bit like a princess - a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with!

So naturally, I indulged myself (and you know how much I adore a good splurge!). I’ve always said: there are no bad days in a pink tutu! 😉 I picked up the most divine pink, sparkly, custom-made tutu - imagine a vintage feel with a modern twist - absolutely stunning! And because you lovely people are my inspiration, I simply had to get a few gifts for some of my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts. The joy on their faces will be my reward - it's simply a lovely thing to share happiness!

Fairy-Dusted Ballet Magic

But this whimsical town has more in store for a ballerina than just a tutu paradise! You see, Ecclesfield has a history with ballet - not your big-city stage production kind of history, but the magical, community kind. Imagine a beautiful old theatre - it was once a stable block you know! - renovated with such charm and heart, and now a space where young aspiring ballerinas and dancers come together, honing their skills under the guidance of local teachers. I know what you’re thinking - how can I get there?! (And that my dear friends is a secret for another blog post, and hint hint.. maybe another adventure!).

My time in Ecclesfield was a whirlwind of pink and twinkling toes, and, of course, no visit is complete without some wildlife! Now, I'm sure you know by now I'm a bit of a wildlife enthusiast - it's the natural dancer in me, you see - we just have to get back to our roots! Well, Ecclesfield is a haven for owls! They live in the beautiful woodland areas, making them almost neighbours with those adorable little cottages. So of course, I got myself the most incredible owl mug from the local gift shop (you know I collect those, right?). They'll have a special place in my home with my growing collection.

My Ecclesfield Musings…

I can’t help but reflect on Ecclesfield and think about how even the smallest of places can possess an indescribable charm, and a power to inspire. The community spirit there is something truly special, with people who share their passions, dreams and most of all, a sense of togetherness that just warms your heart.

Sometimes, all you need is a little dose of fairy dust - maybe in the form of a perfectly pink tutu, a cobblestone street lined with twinkling lights or an owl in the nearby woodland - to make your heart soar. That's what makes the magic of life, don't you think? It's all about those little moments, those beautiful experiences, and that, my darlings, is what makes life oh so enchanting!

Stay fabulous, and keep dancing! And for those of you out there thinking, "I'd love to wear a pink tutu but...": I say, embrace it! Life is too short to be anything but fabulous. And if Ecclesfield has taught me anything, it’s that everyone has a little ballerina within, and a heart ready to embrace a bit of magic.

Lots of love and twinkling toes, Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2014-10-01 in Ecclesfield with a fairy themed body.