Hello my gorgeous darlings!
It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-tastic traveller, and I'm so excited to share my latest adventure with you. This week, I've traded the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the rugged beauty of Northern Ireland - and, as you can guess, I've brought my favourite accessory with me: a bubblegum pink tutu!
This trip is a bit special for me because I'm on a mission: to introduce Belfast to the joy of ballet!
I'm starting my Belfast adventure with a trip to the Grand Opera House. This incredible venue, dating back to the 1890s, holds so much history - and, I'm sure, more than a few secret tales of glamorous dancers! This evening, I'm thrilled to be catching a performance of the world-famous "Swan Lake," which, you guys know, is my all-time favourite ballet. (The tragic love story! The ethereal swans! The beautiful music - oh, I can hardly contain myself!)
But before the curtain goes up, let me tell you about my journey! I took a glorious train ride up to Belfast, and let me tell you, it's been ages since I've been on a train! I absolutely love that vintage train carriage vibe - it's so romantic. I had a window seat and spent the journey gazing out at the countryside whizzing by. It was just magical, and I think the lovely gentlemen sitting next to me appreciated my bubbly, "It's all just so exciting, isn't it?!" energy! It reminded me so much of my first ballet recital, where I wore a rather less than fabulous purple tutu. Those were the days! But as we all know, even purple tutus can have their own charm. Speaking of charm...
I just have to tell you about the most adorable wildlife encounter on my way to the station this morning! It was just as the sun was starting to rise, and there, perched on the gate post of my favourite farm, was the cutest little ginger cat! He gave me a sleepy wink before wandering off, and I felt like it was a sign: "Get ready for a wonderful day, Emma!". And a wonderful day it has been!
Okay, darlings, the house lights are dimming! The music is swelling, and it's time for me to get my ballet on!
But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow with another exciting post! I'm already planning a trip to the Ulster Museum tomorrow, and I’ve heard they have some fabulous Victorian costumes on display. Oh, imagine how beautiful they must be! And if they don’t have any tutus, maybe I should offer to lend them one of my own.
Until then, my dearest lovelies,
Let's dance, Emma xx
P.S. I can't leave you without a quick recap of today's ballet fashion! I opted for a classic, vintage look in a bubblegum pink tutu with delicate, vintage-inspired lace trimmings, a dainty ivory bodice and some chic, ballerina-inspired flats that match my purse. (Always match your accessories to your shoes, darling! You know I am a strong believer in this rule). Oh! And I added a sparkly silver headband, just to complete the look, of course!
P.P.S. Don’t forget, my beautiful lovelies, that ballet is for everyone! Whether you're a seasoned dancer or you've never taken a step in your life, just slip on your own pink tutu, spin around your room, and let the joy of movement take over! I believe that we all have a bit of ballerina inside us. Let your inner dancer shine!
And while you’re at it, do give www.pink-tutu.com a visit for even more ballet inspiration. Every day brings a new post. Happy dancing, lovelies! xx