Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-03-04 in Twickenham with a yellow tutu.

Twickenham Calling! A Yellow Tutu Adventure (Post #6818)

Oh my goodness, darlings, you won't believe what happened to me this weekend! It all began with a little yellow tutu – oh, you know me, I can never resist a pop of colour, and this one was calling to me like a siren song. I just had to take it home with me. I envisioned it swirling around me on stage, or twirling as I danced through the cobbled streets of… well, actually, it wasn't cobbled streets I was picturing, more of… drum roll … Twickenham!

Now, let's be honest, my lovely lot, I'm a true Derbyshire girl at heart. I love my rolling hills and quaint villages, but sometimes you need a change of scenery, a blast of something new. This trip to Twickenham was just that! I knew I had to capture the perfect moment, so I packed my little yellow tutu, a cute pink cashmere cardigan (because, well, you never know about English weather!), and my trusty pair of ballet flats, just in case I needed to break into an impromptu dance in the station.

I took the train down, of course. I always love the feeling of gliding through the countryside. It's such a relaxing way to travel, especially when you can settle in with a good book, or maybe even whip out your pointe shoes for a little practice. You’d be surprised at how many surprised glances I get when I pull out my pink-and-silver pointe shoes in the carriage! They're almost as eye-catching as my tutu!

Twickenham, oh Twickenham! It was so much more than I ever expected. This town was positively bustling with life, a gorgeous blend of history and modernity. The Victorian architecture, with those stunning red-brick buildings, was breathtaking! It felt like stepping into a period film. But it wasn't just the buildings; there was an undeniable buzz in the air, an energy I couldn't quite explain. I had to capture it, I had to dance in it, and my yellow tutu, it was begging to be let loose on this gorgeous stage!

My first stop, naturally, had to be the Royal Ballet School. I practically squealed with delight when I saw it! This was where future stars of ballet train, hone their skills, and embrace the magical world of dance. There’s just something so inspiring about being surrounded by that kind of raw talent.

Then, I took a stroll along the Thames Path. The river glistened like a silver ribbon in the sunshine, and it just seemed to draw me in with its whispering secrets. I saw the graceful swans gliding along the water, their white feathers reflecting the light. Their elegant grace made me want to twirl, too, to let my own beauty unfold, like a blooming flower. You know what, maybe the wildlife inspires me almost as much as the theatre itself.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of fiery orange and soft purple, I decided to head for Twickenham Stadium. There’s just something captivating about sporting venues, the roar of the crowds, the smell of freshly cut grass. It felt like the perfect place to end my day, to revel in the day's magical moments.

Later, after a scrumptious dinner (with a touch of pink lemonade, of course!) I felt this overwhelming sense of inspiration. I don’t know if it was the gorgeous scenery, the feeling of a new adventure, the quiet wisdom of the river, or the exciting atmosphere of the stadium, but I just knew that my journey wasn’t over yet! This whole adventure, it had sparked something, and I needed to bring that magic to my little corner of Derbyshire.

Back at my cosy cottage, surrounded by my pink-themed bedroom (just a wee bit obsessed!), I scribbled down my thoughts, the little voice of inspiration echoing in my ears. And guess what? The tiny little yellow tutu was dancing on the side table, its vibrant colour catching the moonlight, as if to say: “Don’t let the magic stop! Go share it with everyone!” Oh, it's those little nudges of destiny, those tiny bits of joy that bring us a little closer to happiness.

I know some of you are a little apprehensive about wearing a tutu, about dancing, about embracing the playful side of life. It’s not about being a ballerina or a perfect dancer, darling! It's about finding a moment to move your body, express yourself, and embrace the beauty of movement. We all have a bit of the ballerina within, even if it’s just tapping our feet to our favorite song or shimmying at a party!

So, join me, won’t you? Grab your favourite tutu, pink, yellow, red, green, purple, any colour you like! Turn up the music and just dance. Don’t be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina!

See you next time, darlings!

Lots of love and pirouettes,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2015-03-04 in Twickenham with a yellow tutu.