Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-05-15 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.

Coalville Calling! 🩰🌿

Post 6890

Hey everyone! 👋 It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-clad guide to life, laughter, and all things ballet. Today's adventure whisks us away from the bustling streets of London (and yes, I did take a charming train journey to get here!) to the picturesque town of Coalville, nestled in the heart of Leicestershire.

I’m embracing a bit of a nature-inspired look today, with a wildflower tutu that perfectly complements the emerald hues of the countryside. (Spoiler alert: it might just inspire some of my dance moves! 🤫). It’s amazing how being surrounded by nature can shift your energy and spark your creativity.

Now, you may be wondering what brought me to this lovely town… and the answer is: Ballet! 🤩 Coalville, it turns out, is home to a vibrant ballet community with an annual show that has garnered a reputation for being absolutely phenomenal. And I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

This little town is bursting with character. The quaint, brick-lined streets feel like they’ve been straight out of a Dickens novel, with charming shops overflowing with colourful goodies and a sweet aroma of freshly baked bread lingering in the air. I’ve already snagged myself a gorgeous, handmade floral wreath for my hair - it's giving a bohemian ballerina vibe, you know?

After a morning spent exploring, it's time to take in the beauty of Coalville’s natural wonders. And oh my goodness, what wonders they are! From the rolling hills of the National Forest to the tranquil beauty of the nearby National Forest Arboretum, there’s a sense of peace and serenity that makes you want to dance barefoot under the wide open skies.

And I couldn't resist a photo op by the gorgeous wildflowers growing along the paths. These vibrant blooms were the inspiration behind my today’s tutu – a mix of bright pinks, oranges and blues. It’s a celebration of the natural world, a touch of femininity and whimsy.

But back to the ballet! Tonight's show is at the Coalville Town Hall, a magnificent building steeped in history and radiating with artistic charm. The excitement is building as I see families with children dressed in their ballet finery, bubbling with anticipation. Even the air seems to be filled with a musical hum, getting ready for the night's magic.

And let me tell you, the show itself was absolutely breathtaking. The dancers, both young and experienced, moved with grace and precision, their movements expressing stories, emotions and pure joy. The entire audience was mesmerised, including me, of course! I may have even shed a happy tear or two, as one of the youngest dancers executed a particularly daring sequence with absolute confidence. You could hear gasps of awe rippling through the audience.

After the performance, the dancers greeted everyone with beaming smiles. Such enthusiasm and genuine passion, you simply couldn’t help but get caught up in the joy. This whole experience has left me utterly enchanted, reminding me why ballet holds such a special place in my heart.

The air in Coalville feels a bit different than in London, filled with a calmness that radiates outward from its people. And as the stars begin to dot the evening sky, I'm filled with a sense of serenity and gratitude.

So, as my adventure in Coalville draws to a close, I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones, to explore the unknown, to discover hidden gems and experiences that touch your soul. And, of course, to find a way to embrace a bit of ballet in your life – even if it's just a little pirouette in your living room! ✨

Till next time, remember, darling,

Life’s too short not to wear a pink tutu and dance like nobody's watching! 💋

P.S: Follow me on social media!

  • Instagram: @pinktutuemma
  • Twitter: @EmmaPinkTutu

You can find me chatting, sharing more of my adventures, and generally spreading ballet love to the world! 💕


#TutuBlog 2015-05-15 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.