Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-07-03 in Pont-y-pool with a orange tutu.

Pont-y-pool Pinkness: Tutu Adventures #6939

Hello my lovely pink-loving tutu-ettes! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the enchanting Pont-y-pool, a charming town nestled in the heart of Wales!

This post marks a rather special one – a massive 6939 entries into the pink tutu world! Wow, we’ve come a long way since those early days when my pink tutu-wearing adventures began. Every day I feel so blessed to be able to share my love of pink, tutus and ballet with all of you. It's more than just a blog; it's a community of beautiful, graceful souls. And honestly, could there be anything better?

Speaking of beautiful and graceful souls… the journey to Pont-y-pool itself was an adventure. Forget boring cars and impersonal buses! I took the train, of course, nestled in a comfortable carriage, sipping tea, watching the world whizz by. The English countryside really is the most spectacular sight; rolling green hills and sheep grazing lazily - it was simply idyllic.

The heart of my trip, however, was the reason for venturing to the enchanting Pont-y-pool – the 'Pont-y-pool Ballerinas', a local ballet troupe performing "Swan Lake". These lovely ladies brought such grace and emotion to the classic tale. They soared across the stage, their movements so effortless and powerful – you could practically feel the spirit of the swans come alive! Watching their dancing really rekindled my love for ballet; I just have to get back to class soon. It’s been a bit neglected these days what with the crazy schedule of travelling and blogging…

After the performance, I couldn't resist popping into the little shop next door. Imagine my joy at finding the most exquisite pink tutu, decorated with delicate sequins and shimmering lace! It felt practically destined to become mine. Of course, I grabbed it and strutted out, already picturing my next photoshoot in it… you'll have to wait to see!

No trip to a new town would be complete without a proper exploration, and Pont-y-pool did not disappoint! I discovered the most adorable cafe, "The Pink Cupcake," a delightful spot tucked away on a cobblestone street. The cupcakes, naturally, were the perfect shade of pink, and their sweetness matched the cheerfulness of the town. The owner even gifted me a delicate pink feather boa - something tells me that's going to become my signature piece for my upcoming blog photo shoot!

And let's not forget about the wildlife! I happened upon a small meadow dotted with the most charming sheep. Honestly, I might have had a brief "pinch-me" moment as I admired them in their soft woolly coats - what’s more adorable? Watching them graze, a playful frolick, then eventually snuggle close together… it was magical! There's something so peaceful and calming about witnessing nature in its purest form.

I even found the tiniest, most adorable squirrel scurrying along the branches of an ancient oak tree in the town park. Its tiny paws, bright bushy tail and beady eyes - it truly was the cutest creature. It even allowed me to snap a few photographs – honestly, the camera loves me!

The magic of Pont-y-pool resonated throughout my entire stay. I’m sure the town, its people, and the sweet little shops, all played a role, but honestly, my secret is out! It was definitely the tutu that brought all of this magic together – my trusty pink tutu that always helps me shine!

Let's talk pink tutus – it's officially my favourite thing in the whole wide world. The colour, the feeling, the swirling and twirling. It makes me feel like a fairy princess, ready to flit across a meadow. Seriously, does anything feel more amazing than the soft, silky feel of a tutu on your skin? It’s pure magic, folks!

So, my fellow tutu-lovers, here’s my challenge for this week – put on your pink tutu (no, honestly, any shade of pink will do) and twirl, spin and embrace the feeling of joy! And tell me all about your pink tutu experiences in the comments!

Let’s make the world a more beautiful, brighter place, one pink tutu at a time!

Until next time, darling tutu-ettes, keep on twirling and may your lives always be bursting with pink happiness.

P.S. If you haven’t already, do head over to www.pink-tutu.com and join our amazing community of tutu enthusiasts! Let’s make this year our best ever!


Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2015-07-03 in Pont-y-pool with a orange tutu.